The Watchers. ELOhiM - Jordan Maxwell Presents

1 year ago

The Watchers. ELOhiM - Jordan Maxwell Presents
(((Please Note: I have not yet watched this video. I do not necessarily agree with all of Jordan Maxwell's conclusions)))
Posted August 25, 2023
Jordan Maxwell
The earliest work addressing this issue is the Book of the Watchers (250-200 BCE), which now makes up chapters 1-36 of the book of Enoch is presented in a slideshow presentation seminar lecture by lifetime researcher and author, Jordan Maxwell. Watchers is a translation of the Aramaic (lit. the awake ones) found in Daniel (4: 10, 14, 20) that probably originates from the tradition that angels do not sleep. The angels in question are those who appear as benei ha elohim in Gen 6:1, in the story that immediately precedes the flood account.
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