'You Are Heinous': Rashida Tlaib Votes Present On Resolution Condemning Hamas Rape

1 year ago

Of all the people in Congress, Rashida Tlaib may be one of the vilest to ever hold office. She's a member of groups that glorify the terrorists of Hamas, voted against legislation that would bar said terrorists from coming to the US, openly embrace the genocidal phrase 'from the river to the sea', and was censured for her support of Hamas and calls to destroy Israel. But of all of those things, this is the worst. Yesterday, the House approved a bipartisan resolution condemning the rape and sexual violence Hamas uses in its war with Israel -- things they've filmed themselves doing. Guess who voted 'present'?

418-0-1: House approved a bipartisan resolution condemning rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas in its war against Israel. Tlaib (D-MI) voted Present. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGVEWfJWUAAoa9V?format=jpg&name=large -- There are no words. Her excuse? “We all have a responsibility to denounce sexual violence in all forms, regardless of who is responsible. War crimes cannot justify more war crimes. This resolution falls well short of also acknowledging the sexual abuse of Palestinians. -- This is a weak excuse. The IDF is not raping Palestinian women, filming it, and bragging about it. And, thankfully, few people are buying it.”

• More at: Twitchy - 'You Are Heinous': Rashida Tlaib Votes Present on Resolution Condemning Hamas Rape

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