Chariot Sun Energy Vlog

11 months ago

Chariot Sun Energy Vlog title is from the date February 15, 2024 and the amplitude. The date adds to 25 which reduces to #7 The Chariot Swift movement and taking charge of where you are going.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site sho9wed us an amolitude power of 19 at 2:45 AM UTC thus, Justice comes out to a sunny day to shine brightly on the accused. The quality power of 16.0 thus, the Tower card a lightening strike that brings the tower down a structural collapse due to fauloty construction.l.
The frequency average is 7.78 hertz adds to 22 the Fool card. watch where you are going and/or a leap of faith.

Therefore, we can say: The Chariot came up swiftly under the winter Sun upon the fallen tower with a fool dancing around the wreckage.

I did a kachina knife spread in response to Errant 23 Question about the world splitting into to two different realities one of new earth and the other a dystopian future we began with eh Hermit in the querent position the Ten of cups in the results post the Four of Wands in the past and the Queen of wands in the middle . In the future row we have the Ace of Wands Six of Cups and Seven of Wands . Thus, A celebration of our inner wisdom with soverign truth leads to emotional composition. Yes with inspirational tru8th and an open market we can when the battle for olur souls.
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