Fani Willis' 2020 Interview Running For Fulton County DA Sounds Like She Was Warning Them…About Her

1 year ago

Wow. It has NOT been a good day for Fani Willis. We'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a power-hungry, evil, sneaky, manipulative, harpy using her position to weaponize the justice system to attack and try to destroy a political adversary. It's exhausting watching horrible people get away with horrible things over and over again because of their identity or political affiliation, which is probably why so many of us enjoy watching Willis fall off her high horse. The same high horse she was riding in 2020 when she was running for District Attorney in Fulton County.

2020. Fani Willis is asked why the people of Fulton County should support her for District Attorney. "Because they deserve a DA that won't have sex with his employees, because they deserve a DA that won't put money in their own pocket." -- It's as if she was telling them EXACTLY what she was planning on doing. Wow. Also, serious kudos to @mazemoore for finding and sharing this footage. Didn't she go to church and tell the whole congregation that she needed to be shown grace? It's (d)ifferent 😂 That she did. She claimed she needed to be shown grace because she's a black woman. Don't make that face, we didn't say it.

• More at: Twitchy - 2020 Interview of Fani Willis Running for Fulton County DA Sounds Like She was Warning Them … About HER

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