Episode 111: The Boys back on the show this week.

9 months ago

Episode 111: The Boys back on the show this week. Kev, Brad, and I will be shooting the shit, smoking cigars, and having drinks. We will be giving predictions on the industry and additional thoughts that now has asked up for. See you all there!!

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NewAir Links below:
The official humidor of the show is the NewAir 1500 count link - https://glnk.io/xnx4/cigarsrm
15% discount code on this humidor → CIGARSRM15OFF
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Smoke Inn Cigars Links:
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BAMF & ROCF Links:
Website → RMCS15 for 15% off entire site
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K by Karen Berger Links:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/DonKikiCigars/
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Big Sky Cigar Links:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/bigskycigar
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Kristoff Cigars:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/KristoffCigars
Website → https://kristoff.com/
Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/kristoff_ci...

Cornell and Diehl:
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Micallef Cigars:
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Axe and Oak Distillery:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/AxeandOakDis...
Website → https://www.axeandtheoakdistillery.com/
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Sagrado Cigars:
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Website → https://sagradocigars.com/
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I hope you all enjoy this channel as much as I will enjoy creating the content for you.

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