Free energy 1 الطاقة الحرة 1

11 months ago
Selem wa alaykum w rakmoud Allah w bereketoe... everybody and welcome in todays video i want to go shortly over my view on modern christians- christianity my version of jesus/isa pbuh and christian support for he occupation in palastine. i am a muslim revert from the netherlands that was baptised at birth as a catholic and a faithfull and staunch believer and follower of the messiah Jesus/isa pbuh son of marry and the word of God. i believe Jesus pbuh is alive and is next to God praying for good crhistians to enter paradise. and it will be Jesus pbuh who will return and save us in the end togheter with imam al mahdi. my Jesus pbuh never deid on a cross and was not a total pasifist. he fought and rebelled against the jewish priests and against rome. he incited his followers to rebel against the corrupt and to do good. a corrupted church turned a pure riligion of the ones of God into paganism and in the proces weakend the cattle and made them as lams. by focussing on the story of the slap on the cheek and the story of the torture and death on the cross they perverted the entire riligion. now it is nothing more than satanic paganism in dissguise using the name os Jesus/isa pbuh to do theyre pagan rituals and continue in idolatry. on the notion of rebellion i would like to mention jhon 18:36 Jesus answered “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world my servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” very important verse and very revealing Jesus/Isa pbuh the historical figure was rebel king

Free energy 1 الطاقة الحرة 1
short overview and explanation of some ideas on free energy generation.
more in depth videos coming up.
لمحة مختصرة وشرح لبعض الأفكار حول توليد الطاقة مجانا.
المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو المتعمقة القادمة.
Selem wa alaykum w rakmoud Allah w bereketoe...

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