Witness says that when we turn off benefits like jobs and driver's licenses,

8 months ago

illegal immigrants self-deport.
"If you know, if the laws were enforced, and we know this from experience, under the Trump administration and before that, then we actually can control the border, and we can restore an environment in which there is significant attrition of the illegal population.
"Because people see if they can't get a job … then there's no benefit to staying here. And they go home on their own."
- Oversight Committee (https://x.com/GOPoversight/status/1758227842041569482?s=20)
About the photo:
Turncoat Senator Lindsey Graham, who had long been in favour of providing aid to Ukraine, has changed his mind and voted against the $60 billion bill for Kiev regime.
The Washington Post writes, noting that the change came after a meeting with Trump.
Citing sources, the paper reports that this has sparked rumours that the Republican is planning to take up a position in the Trump administration if the former President is re-elected.
According to other sources, Graham's change of position is linked to the Republican Party's views on Ukraine.
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The Founding Fathers did not create the government to ban your gas stove or to provide sex change operations for the military.
The government exists to protect our God given rights, not to regulate every micro detail of our lives.
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