"Exploring Forest Home Cemetery: FINDING HISTORY & BONES!" (3Sep2023) Middle Aged Bald Guy

1 year ago

Content Creator:
"Middle Aged Bald Guy"

Today's adventure takes us to Forest Home Cemetery located only several miles west of Chicago. This massive cemetery was once an Indian burial ground and goes back centuries. The first non-Native American was buried here in the 1830's. Of course, with a cemetery this old and this big, you're bound to come across some interesting things and, indeed, I did. I found a very old mausoleum that had been desecrated by grave robbers many decades ago. Unfortunately, they didn't care about the body that was in there and there's skeletal remains scattered about. I also found another mausoleum whose remains can be seen inside a cracked and broken coffin. Plus, the monument to the Haymarket riots, the monument for the International Order of Odd Fellows, and much more. So please join me as we explore Forest Home Cemetery.

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