Talking to animals & 5 lessons from elephants for business success | #animallover #ugc

1 year ago

Meet trunks with 5 life lessons from Elephants for business success

1. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Elephants are capable of traveling great distances, moving slowly, but steadily.
Don’t lose sight of your end goal, remain focused even if it seems unattainable in the immediate term.

2. Importance of community and teamwork
Elephants' social groups are dynamic, and complex, relying on one another for support and regularly change in both size and composition. They work together to overcome challenges. Expand your social circle and encourage culture of collaboration by recognizing strengths of individuals and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

3. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t forget them.
Elephants have incredible memories. They can remember places where the herd has found food and water. They return to the places that benefit them but remember the ones that harmed them.
“Forgive, but don’t forget.” Learn the right lessons from your experiences.

4. Be adaptable to your environment
Asian and African elephants live in diverse habitats and they were able to adapt to new and unfamiliar places.
Be prepared to pivot and adjust with learning new skills.

5. Work on your emotional intelligence
Elephants are capable of self-recognition. But they are also sensitive and social creatures, with emotional awareness that grows and changes over time.

Practice self-reflection and manifest your ideas. Let yourself to be great and don’t stand in the shadow.

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
📍Chiang Mai, Thailand
📷 Photo Credit: tourist

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