
1 year ago

Wonderland Indonesia is a magical and extraordinary project, combining music exploration and traditional cultures with modern concept.
We did this project to prove that Indonesian youth are capable to bring Indonesia to the next level.

1.Paris Barantai - Kalimantan
cipt: H. Anang Ardiansyah

2.Si Patokaan - Sulawesi Utara
cipt: N.N

3.Sajojo - Papua
cipt: R.H. Hardjosubroto

4.Janger - Bali
cipt: I Gede Dharna

5.Anak Kambing Saya - NTT
cipt: Ibu Sud

6.Manuk Dadali - Jawa Barat
cipt: Sambas Mangundikarta

7.Lelo Ledhung - Jawa Tengah
cipt: Markasan

8.Kampuang nan Jauh di Mato - Sumatera Barat
cipt: Oslan Husein

9.Soleram - Riau
cipt: Muhammad Arief

10.Bagimu Negeri
cipt: Kusbini


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