Selecting Your First Gun Cleaning Kit

1 year ago

In this educational video created for Otis Orientation, Retail Associates, and Brand Ambassadors, Jared from Otis Technology highlights some of the gun cleaning kits they offer, what to consider, and to look for when selecting a gun cleaning kit. Do you need a gun cleaning kit for one gun or many guns? Do you expect your firearms collection to grow? Is a single-caliber gun cleaning kit the right choice for you?
Single caliber cleaning kits do simplify things for the begginer, but a universal gun cleaning kit can save you time and money over time.
We cover all this and more in just 2 minutes; check it out.

Products shown in this video
Otis Elite:
Otis Tactical:
Otis Defender Series:
Otis Round Soft Pack Various Calibers and Configurations:

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