Pointed Perception

1 year ago

The #Hubris and #Narcissism of the #MainStream #LegacyMedia is #Cruel and #Vicious Incorporation #Disinformation to further Western #NeoColonial means they are a #Systemic #Bankrupt #Bias #Institution of #Journalistic #Malpractice
That #Canadian minister sounds like the same thing that happened in #America, until they brought the slaves in to do all the work for the lazy white man. Western societies built nothing in the beginning of its #Conquest across the #Planet, only brought #Tyranny and #Death to the people and the lands
The #Dead and #Dying #MainStream #LegacyMedia. X the new mass #Communication #Integrity for the #World
#UnitedStates #RulesBasedInterNationalOrder is nothing but #Fascist #DisOrder
#GlobalNews #News #RTNews

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