A Bondage So Close, That You Have Become One With The LIE!

1 year ago

Hidden behind every major religion and tradition hides a secret, a universal truth. This universal truth is known as the Great Arkanum. Throughout history, it has been completely forbidden to reveal the secrets of this mystery to the public. This secret is not an idea, but an experience one encounters when making a direct connection to the Creator of the universe. In our society today, if we were to reveal this experience to the average person they would most likely look at us as if we were totally insane and would probably try to have us committed right away. It has been viewed this way since the beginning of Christianity, thus its mysteries have remained a hidden legacy, veiled behind mythology, architecture, art and literature, and has been passed on for many to admire, but for very few to understand. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/awakenedlight/the-great-arcanum-the-secret

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