AUC3I Daily Briefing 02-15-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

7 months ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare


The briefing provided by Colonel AC. Oguntoye outlines significant military activities and achievements in a special military operation on the 15th of February 2024. The key takeaways from this briefing include:

Strategic Strikes: The Russian Federation executed targeted strikes against Ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities, aiming to dismantle the production and repair capabilities for aircraft engines, communications equipment, and ammunition. This operation successfully neutralized the intended targets, indicating a strategic approach to undermine Ukraine's military supply chain and hardware capabilities.

Ground Operations and Tactical Achievements: The briefing details operations in several directions, including Kupyansk, Krasny Liman, Donetsk, South Donetsk, and Kherson. These operations involved direct confrontations with Ukrainian forces, resulting in significant reported losses for Ukraine in terms of manpower, vehicles, and military equipment. The use of combined arms and tactical maneuvers to repel attacks and improve positional advantages on the front lines is emphasized.

Equipment and Material Losses: A substantial amount of Ukrainian military hardware was reported destroyed, including armored fighting vehicles, artillery systems from various countries (including the U.S., France, Poland, and the UK), and a significant number of unmanned aerial vehicles. This highlights the intensity of the counter-battery and anti-air efforts, as well as the focus on degrading the opponent's mechanized and artillery capabilities.

Air Defence and Counter-UAV Operations: The briefing mentions the successful downing of a Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft, interception of multiple HIMARS rocket systems, a JDAM guided bomb, and a large number of Ukrainian drones. This underscores the effectiveness of Russian air defense and electronic warfare capabilities in neutralizing aerial threats and reconnaissance efforts by Ukraine.

Overall Impact: The reported achievements suggest a multi-pronged strategy by Russian forces to weaken Ukraine's military effectiveness through precision strikes, tactical ground engagements, and robust air defense measures. The cumulative effect of these operations is presented as a significant degradation of Ukrainian military assets and operational capabilities.

Strategic and Operational Objectives: The briefing implies that the operations are aligned with broader strategic objectives to diminish Ukraine's military production, supply, and operational capabilities, thereby impacting its ability to sustain prolonged defensive or offensive operations.

This briefing, as described, provides a comprehensive overview of military operations from the perspective of the Russian Federation, detailing the scope of activities, tactical successes, and the strategic rationale behind these actions.

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