KingCobraJFS Feb 14, 2024 "chillin with boo" *DELETED NakedAndLaughing & King Cobra STREAM*

1 year ago

On this very grim and terrible day, King Cobra relinquished his computer and YouTube channel to Jessica (NakedAndLaughing) because her channel was terminated for severe sexual conduct and nudity (this would be because of the last 15 minutes from her last stream which you can watch here: In this stream, Jessica spends most of the stream muted while she listens to Bjork; Cobra is on the couch nodding out of consciousness. At some times, Jessica covers the webcam, this is because she is doing drugs and doesn't want viewers to see. The stream concludes with Josh and Jessica leaving to pick up more drugs at around 9:47pm.

Jessica is continuously becoming a bad influence on an already easy influenced King Cobra in the short period she has been there. She is using some sort of drugs around him and he is also using, possibly under pressure from her. You can see in this stream that he is progressively nodding and at one point cannot be woken up while she is tweaking out yet again. She is also manipulating him through sex and I imaging that she will try to pregnancy trap him for more money. Please do not donate or become a member to his stream.
Support the channel and buy a shirt, trole.



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