February 15, 2024

1 year ago

Mr. Mike Stone wrote this words on his wall Viroliegy which are describing the converstation:
Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Mimi Zajc about the fraud of germ theory and virology. During our conversation, I broke down how I traveled into the “virus” rabbit hole myself with three very important moments in my life driving me further than I had gone before. We went into Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccine as well as the germ theory vs. terrain theory debate with Louis Pasteur and Antoine BeChamp. We talked about how the power of fear can bring about the symptoms of disease people experience and how the influence of propaganda can be used to create a “pandemic,” driving people to participate in measures that go against their very well-being. We covered other important topics as well in our hour long conversation. I hope you enjoy!

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