Esther 5 - Queen Esther risks her life to save her people

11 months ago

Brave Queen Esther risks her life, by going uninvited to the king. 3 days of pray & fasting were dedicated to God in preparation for this risky move. Xerxes ultimately extends his golden sceptre to Esther and spares her life. Then Esther is given an incredible offer by the king. But instead of taking the king up on his offer, she simply invites the King and his chief official to a second feast.

Haman, bursting with pride, has his day ruined when he sees hated Mordecai the Jew. So he calls together his own private brains trust, to advise him what he should do about Mordecai. They come up with an evil plan to impale Mordecai on a 75 foot spike.

Sydney based, verse by verse study of the book of Esther. Part 1 of 10. The series will be presented from a dispensational, premillennial perspective.

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