Esther 2 - The hidden Hebrew Esther, wins Miss Persia contest, & becomes Queen of the world

7 months ago

In between chapters 1 & 2 of Esther, Xerxes assembled a massive army & invaded Greece. But this invasion was unsuccessful, and he retreats back to his own lands, after losing most of his army on this failed European expedition.

Perhaps in an attempt to lift his spirits, his advisors suggest that he put on a kingdom wide beauty contest, with the winner to be crowned his new queen in place of Vashti.

A Hebrew girl name Esther (adopted daughter of Mordecai) is taken and put into this contest. Mordecai wisely advises her to hide her Jewish heritage. Esther wins the contest. The hidden hand of God is overseeing the events. He is placing his key people in prominent places, to be revealed at the God ordained moment.

Sydney based, verse by verse study of the book of Esther. Part 2 of 10.

The series will be presented from a dispensational, premillennial perspective.

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