Top 10 Power Rangers Dino Thunder Episodes (20th Anniversary)

7 months ago

#20thAnniversary So…it’s been 20 years since Dino Thunder first aired. I remember when I saw the promo videos for that season and I was actually curious when I saw the teaser trailer for Dino Thunder and I still recall that tagline: A New Team, A Fierce Power. As a legacy season, this was definitely a favorite of mine partially because Jason David Frank was in it (RIP). There are some great episodes and some arcs were really good. I know most are going to say that the ones divided up are individual episodes but, I’m going to cheat on my list. Why? Because it’s my channel and I see it as extended episodes. [Thunder Struck, White Thunder are part of this list]. Hope you guys enjoy. What are your top 10 favorite episodes of Dino Thunder? Let me know in the comments below.

Power Rangers Playback - Special Guest Jason David Frank Guest Stars:

#ripjdf #DinoThunderPowerUp #BakryuuChange #AbareRed #AbareBlue #AbareYellow #AbareBlack #AbareKiller #Abaranger #MillennialNostalgia #SuperSentai #20YearAnniversary

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