'El Loco' Strikes Again: Javier Milei Flies Commercial Home From Rome To Cheering Fans

1 year ago

As a general rule, most of us at Twitchy (certainly this writer) try not to heap admiration on politicians. Very few of them ever show themselves to be worthy of it and they have a nasty tendency to bite us in the tuchus whenever we do start to like them too much. A good rule of thumb is to view them all with a healthy dose of skepticism. It saves us a lot of disappointment later. But Javier Milei seems bound and determined to test our resolve on that particular rule. The newly elected President of Argentina has an endearing populist nature to him, there's no question about it. And his flamboyance has an attractive quality as well, whether it is campaigning with a live chainsaw as a symbol of his plans to cut government programs and spending or flying all the way over to Davos just to tell the WEF to get bent, Milei has 'it,' whatever 'it' is (the kids today say 'rizz,' but we honestly don't know what that means).

Milei showed off his populist flair once more this week, returning home from Rome on a commercial flight -- as opposed to a private presidential jet -- and shaking hands and taking selfies with cheering passengers on the flight before the plane took off. The President of Argentina does not fly private— the leader is not removed from his people. He flies commercial, with the citizens he represents. And they LOVE him for it. Javier Milei is the embodiment of true populism. This isn't the first time Milei has eschewed the privilege of a presidential flight. One of his early promises as president was to decommission his presidential aircraft and always fly commercial as a way to save Argentina money. Back in December, he was filmed on another commercial flight smiling and shouting his signature slogan, '¡Viva la libertad, carajo!' Roughly translated, 'Long live freedom, damn it' (though 'carajo' does have another, less family-friendly meaning … we'll let you look that up yourself.)

• More at: Twitchy - 'El Loco' Strikes Again: Javier Milei Flies Commercial Home From Rome to Cheering Fans

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