Evil, The Beast and Buffet Pt 1 - New Series!

1 year ago

What moves us to take someone else's stuff? From the time we were toddlers, this has been an issue. Many of us grew up with no real parental guidance and teaching so have never learned the limitations we need to place on ourselves and each other in order to overcome the act of taking someone else's stuff.

This is what I call Level 1 Evil. The inability to stop yourself from robbing others of their possessions. And it can come in many forms! All the way to the most innocent child who walks up and grabs whatever toy they want that some other kid has, to the businessman who cons another business out of its wealth, patents, or some other value, all the way to being taxed unfairly knowing the government officials will just waste your tax dollars.

How do we overcome this first level of evil? By adopting higher standards than what we can set for ourselves. Frankly, we've proven time and time again that unless we are answerable to a higher being, or at least a much higher standard than what we could set for ourselves, we aren't very good at self-control.

In this episode, Jared, the host of All Things Crime, takes us through what the lowest level of evil looks like and how we can overcome it. Thanks for joining us! Make sure to subscribe now!

All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum-based forensic DNA collection system and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos.

If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA, and investigations, also check out the M-Vac's channel https://www.youtube.com/@UC4TgqlFFXuAoTPD-QkDKyog

#coldcase #AllThingsCrime #dna

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