The Power Hour - February 13, 2024

11 months ago

Hour 1: News you can actually lose!

Hour 2:
1st half: Scott McKay, author of Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It's All Obama, is the publisher of The Hayride, an award-winning culture and politics site that covers Southern and national current events.
In addition, Scott’s work can be found in the pages of the conservative mainstay, the American Spectator, where he has been a regular columnist since 2012. Scott's first political book, The Revivalist Manifesto, is the distillation of his work at The Hayride and the American Spectator, outlining the need and opportunity to form a new American political consensus in which a rethought conservative movement assumes leadership and creates a national revival.

2nd half: Amber Lynn Vitale, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition joins The Power Hour to discuss heart health with Grown by Nature supplements. Amber is on the Grown By Nature’s Holistic Advisory Board.

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