propaganda (dinosaur, made in china) talks when i want him to

10 months ago

first second in, paisley had to make her presence known
my misanthropic attitude is not autistic, it's better than that
it's all about how you use technology
fuck dem phones STILL
they'd marry that iphone if they could
it should be called the we phone
i dunno how to not be hostile about this one, sari
all these poor kids have to grow up in this shithole
i keep my glasses in the freezer, i learned that from steak n shake
they've been capitalizing on "racism" for a long time
who can verify that this actually happened tho, no offense to emmitt till if he actually existed n went thru all that...i don't trust ANYTHANG they say about history, do your own research
what a way to gain spiritual power consistently
tiger teeth will forget in less than ten seconds
cats are 95% tiger, probably why we shouldn't domesticate them
i don't really like you either vortex
there's somebody in there that gets what i do
the vortex is just the medium and it's a pretty demonic medium
all injustice is bad, racial or not
actual equality cannot account for tribalism
nobody practices what they preach (no self-awareness or guilt or shame)
but since i still have a flip phone...
nobody is actually having a good time on instagram
he reiterates my points

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