Half Way There - Chilean Wigeon & Rosy Bill | The Journey Within, South America Waterfowl Slam

1 year ago

Mark Peterson closes out the half way point on the South America Waterfowl Slam. On just the third day of the hunt, he is able to take a Chilean Wigeon and a Rosy Billed Pochard which make species number 9 and 10 of the 20 on his list. Mark is still sharing the blind with Matt Gindorff, a WTA consultant, and they discuss waterfowl hunting in Argentina and how it compares to that of the U.S.

If you want to book this hunt, go to: https://worldwidetrophyadventures.com/trips/argentina-duck-dove-and-perdiz-hunting-lodge/

Species Taken In This Episode:
Chilean Wigeon
Rosie-Billed Pochard

Species Already Taken:
White Cheek Pintail
Speckled Teal
Silver Teal
Yellow-Billed Pintail
Ringneck Teal
Fulvous Whistling Duck
Cinnamon Teal
White-Faced Whistling Duck

Species Remaining:
Black-Headed Duck
Red Shoveler
Knob-Billed Duck
Brazilian Teal
Andean Goose
Andean Teal
Andean Ruddy Duck
Andean Crested Duck
Giant Coot
Puna Teal

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