The fake Wealth

10 months ago

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The fake Wealth

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
23 January 2024

Oh Denmark, your system has come to an end.
Your system of Justice, your system of social security has come to an end, because you have stolen from the poor and neglected the elderly people.
Oh Denmark, I am about to shake you up to the core because your system is ungodly and unrighteous therefore I AM that I AM will destroy your system. The crash of the system will come crashing down like the walls of Jericho. The system that gave you the false safety and security.
The system is a machine of old kommunisme to control the citizens. I AM your security, I AM your strong tower and I AM your savior, my beloved Denmark. I AM your future and I AM your only hope. I said I AM the Alpha and the Omega. I AM the beginning and the finisher of your faith my beloved Bride.
Yes, I AM taking your system down once and for all because you took the lives of the sacred and the innocent. You took the children out of the hands of the parents. I, The Lord of Host, will take this system down that has kept the inhabitants of Denmark as prisoners hostage. The future is bright and beautiful for my Remnant.
My beautiful Bride who has never seen my power and glory, you will see my power and the glory.
Oh Denmark the best is yet to come. You haven't seen anything yet.
I Am about to do mighty and powerful things and I will shake you in a way that you have never seen before.
I will restore everything what Satan meant to harm you through this unjust system, the system of Babylon.
The walls of Jericho couldn't keep Me out, the tower of Babylon wasn't finished, the flood didn't drowned Noah and I AM splitting the sea so my people could walk right through it and they could walk on dry ground. In the darkest hour of the human history I will let My light shine. The dawn is about to break into bright daylight.
This country is no longer a monarchy because enough is enough. The royal house is a nest of snakes and liars therefore I AM stripping the royal house of the power they had.
Everything you see in the Media is only a theater and the actors will be exposed. The Media will be exposed, the entertainment will be exposed, the sport will be exposed. Yes, I AM will shake and expose what the narrative that has been and no freemasons, witches, warlocks can hold the truth down. The system is a den of thieves, rats and snakes. I, says the Lord of Host, will bring justice and justice will be served.
The courthouses and judges will be taken down by Me, says the Lord of Host, because they judge in unjust ways. They have judged the innocent for money and they have protected the guilty. The system is lawless and the laws in this country are ungodly. The day of vengeance is mine, says the Lord of Host. Justice will come and justice will be served because I AM a God of Justice and righteousness. I have heard the cries of the inhabitants of Denmark that have been crying for justice and righteousness.
The Red Sea moment will come to the pharaohs of today. The walls of the sea are about to crush the pharaohs in Denmark and the secret society of freemasons.
My children, can you hear the enemies screaming of fear because they know that their time is short and they know what is coming. For My children and the elect, My Remnants your future is bright and nothing can stop you for My Kingdom is at hand.

Reference: Exodus 14: 24-28 The red sea
Genesis 11: 1-9 Babylon
Joshua 6:20 Silence in six days, seven day shouting

#propheticword #denmark #wealth #fake #faith

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