Part 3 Encouragement: While waiting for captives, stay in prayer, serve others #judgement #America

7 months ago

Stay in prayer for the storms that surround you as you wait for the captives to be set free, and keep your focus on The Lord. Reach out to the lost , heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, vocabulary and speech to the mute, spread The Gospel, prepare others as much as you can for the storms are increasing and judgement is coming to America, but be encouraged, captives are being set free, those trafficked (weather vulnerable adults or children/infants) those wrongly and falsely accused,wrongly and falsely arrested, wrongly and falsely charged, wrongly and falsely imprisoned, those under any kind of injustice, tyranny, oppression, heartbreak, captivity. Pray for the captors, the tyrants, the oppressors, the lost, confused, frustrated, tired, prodigals, pray for all, pray for revelation and direction for all to walk straight. God bless you all in Jesus Name, amen and amen

#hope #despair #Disciple #love #healthesick #raisethedead #castoutdemons #freedom #LordandSavior #endtimes #warriors #morethanconquerers #encouragement
#Jesuslovesyou #Adonai #Elohim #IAM #overcomer #pain #confidence #anguish #TheWay #TheTruth #TheLight #Justice #Judgement #salvation #saved
#freedom #captives #setcaptivesfree
#believe #hope #faith #prayer #love #truth #endtimes #judgement #vulnerable #church #worship #prayer #Jesus #God #Christ #Savior #repent #reunite #unite #prophesy #propheticword

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