Does West Point still reflect "Duty, Honor, Country?"

11 months ago

ASCF Sr. Analyst Laurence Sanford speaks with podcast guest Col. (retired) Bill Prince regarding West Point's woke culture. They question if West Point has lost its foundational principles of "Duty, Honor, Country" in order to be more politically correct. This includes opening an office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity. Col. Prince states that there are numerous West Point graduates who are concerned with our national security and the direction the Academy is heading. Col. Prince was recently elected President of the MacArthur Society. The MacArthur Society's mission is to help West Point return to its foundational principles and prepare cadets to fight and win our wars.

Col. Prince is a graduate of West Point Military Academy. He served in Vietnam with both Ranger and Special Force Units. He went on to a career with the CIA while remaining active in the Army Reserve. Col. Prince deployed 11 times between Iraq and Afghanistan and holds a Master's degree from Harvard.

Mr. Sanford is a former U.S. Navy officer and served four years in the CIA.

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