IDF Exposed

1 year ago

Cults brainwash their followers to glorify things they would not like to happen to themselves.

Behind most religions you will find the Mystery School cUlt of manipulators who serve the old devils.
Humanity is apparently still quite easily twisted away from maturity. Just put stronger/superior weapons in their hands and they become twisted with power.

The Freemasons are given their brainchip-hivemind and they are eager to cause chaos.

You cannot trust any "News" channel because they are all under the control of the NWO Agenda to extinct all of Homo sapiens (in the end)... group against group, cult against cult, not even questioning who is behind it all.

I questioned it and I eventually found these hideous creatures that live for thousands of years so their agendas run for centuries while humans keep dying and being replaced with different world-views to help the agendas come true.
These ancient devils are what manipulate groups to fight groups... and they are behind the Freemasons who run all the positions of authority, all around the world. They are a race of devils, now, and were the mankind that failed to serve their true blueprint from the Creator.

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