Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents'

7 months ago

In the continued Operation Mockingbird MSM media (amidst still rising covid and vaccination deaths and injuries?) Bill Gates confesses all. Starring Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, 'Really Graceful' Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo, Dr Larry Palevsky, and many more...(this 6 billion people injection is not for profit only as they already own everything, it is far more sinister Bill Gates TRASHES MRNA Vaccines After MASSIVELY PROFITING From Their Development )

See also ...

1. US Supreme Court Human Genome Patents (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 June 13, 2013 & now in Congress, the 'Patent Eligibility Restoration Act' of 2022/2023) to overturn patenting DNA decision
"US Supreme Court v Congress r.e.Human Genome DNA Patents. Crispr. Plandemic treaty / Terra Carta"

2. The strangest cases on the dystopian Human DNA Patents (linked to covid and UN/WHO) from 2009 into 2013 which aims to own human life, and to date with Congress bringing the "S.4734 - Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022/23"

FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022, the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium announced that it had filled in the remaining gaps 2. "S.4734 Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022/23 for dna" or here also

3. The Church deceived. Max Igan,Trump,Governor K Hochul,Biden et al. 20 Million dead,2 Billion injured

4. Stew Peters Network 'World Premiere: Died Suddenly'

5. Astra & Terra Carta. Prince Charles king of the World & the Universe ? & anointed king of Israel ?

5a This $1 Billion Startup Backed By Bill Gates Prints New DNA

6. The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' as are all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix on the near Horizon (To buy the earth, and all, body and soul )

6a Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries

7. Central banks confirm (Sep 2023) Programmable money (CBDC or Bitcoin) & can digitize property rights for no ownership (B of E)

8. The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods' (Gnostics speak of god and consciousness but they do not know God BUT do go about not knowing god at length)

9. Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' & the Mark of the beast

9a Liz Wheeler, P fizer knew about & kept from you & 'Died Suddenly' by mRNA injection (5 stories)

9b HIV Vaids in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries

9c Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Millions with deaths and injuries to destroy the image of God (Genesis 1, 26 - 27) & the Human Genome project

10. Please note the following film on the same subject and as the subject film mentions. was made in Autumn 2021 as a warning and uploaded here in 2022 & 2023 see in its description box and which was attacked as wrong "The Strong Delusion & The Great Reset (2 Thessalonians 2, 11)

11. The same occurred with the following film on this theme from July 2020 "Zadok Productions DNA, VACCINATION INGREDIENTS, PHARMACEUTICALS & SORCERY (13.07.2020 only viewed by email distributed vid until Jan 2021)"

12. Crypto / Digital: The End of Freedom! C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa & the Cashless Society

13. Book of Enoch (Documentary) - God, Angels, Devils & Man, Genesis 6 & Seth & Cain

14. Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients'

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