QFS, Cassiopeia, DNA, Next Level Ascension, DNA, Frequencies, Ego, Love 02-14-24

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There are many changes taking place and today, the day of love, this will be a great time to hear what the ULBs have to say!! This will be a conversation with the Universal Beings. It's a time when you can ask questions if you'd like.

Links and questions

Link to RUMBLE


Questions for Albayon

29:59- Please, tell us about Casseopians. How they look, what they are good at and how do they contribute to our ascension.

33:26- I was awake at 3 a.m on the 4th of February, and there were flashing lights in the sky. It looked like a strobe light. I live in Alberta Canada and many people reported seeing these lights all over the province.

36:21- I have heard that many members of the world economic forum are no longer among the living? is that true?

37:24- Is it true that during the Internet and media blackout the app Signal will still be functioning?

39:54- Will we become UNIFIED as one party/ No more politics, democrats, republicans liberal etc anymore. No more election because we'll agree to all work together in harmony and no more hatred and divisions anymore? I hope so.

44:32- What is the next step humanity needs to take to bring all this light coming down will be integrated , so that all what is all ready is done  energetically in the higher realm also will be experienced in the physicality?

Questions for Brysentia

1:00:15- It is said that a sudden shocking death is not good, that a quite peaceful exit is the best. With shock one may not accept or believe that one is dead. People who are going to exit in 2024 with floods and earthquakes will not have peaceful exit. Can you share your view?

1:04:25- Did humans develop their ego themselves, or was it programmed into us when our DNA strands were tampered with. And does Albayon or Brysentia have egos?

1:06:38- Is it true in a galactic term, about the word "Messiah?" which refers to solar flare or solar energy meaning-- the solar flare of bright LIGHT of positive frequencies/energies? A guy named Ismael Perez have shared and explained that. All religions have us thinking that it is Jesus Christ who will ascend down to return, but Ismael explained that Christ will be coming down NOT as a figure or a person but through "our consciousness"

1:10:00-  Did Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer work for the good of mankind?

1:11:48-  It seemed for a time Ivanka was being prepared for a major role in government. Has her time passed?

1:13:53- What is the purpose(s) of life on Earth?...If we are a Lightworker or if we are not? Why do we keep incarnating if we already have God within us in this dimension or when we are on the other side?

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