Mighty leopard caches deer in a tree to keep it safe for later

1 year ago

Life in Africa is a complex balance. Each day, the sun rises and paints the landscape with golden sunlight. The dawn brings with it, promise and hope, but also danger. The predators here wake up hungry and ready to chase down their meal in order to survive. If they fail, they may weaken and die of starvation.
For the prey animals, the sunrise signals threat and the need to run to survive. If they falter, it may be their last day. Such is life here, and all over the world. Life is never easy or guaranteed. This deer saw its last sunrise as the scene unfolded on the plain. A leopard snuck up close enough to catch the deer unaware and it made the kill with speed and precision. But the leopard cannot waste time, even after securing its meal. Other cats and hyenas smell the blood and close in on the carcass, threatening the leopard in their eagerness to steal the food. The leopard eats as quickly as it can to fill its belly before the predators and scavengers team up to rob it. The leopard knows that the hyenas cannot climb the trees. Even the lions are not as capable of reaching the higher branches.
Leopards have adapted for climbing. They are strong cats with muscle attachments designed for puling heavy weights up high in the trees. Here, they will be able to defend the meat more easily, keeping the uneaten portion safe for their next meal. It is a tragic day for the deer, but victory for the leopard. It will possibly be a week or more before the leopard has its next successful hunt. Consuming dozens of kilograms of meat in this feeding is essential to survival between feedings.
This incredible footage was captured on a wildlife refuge in Kenya, Africa. Safe from poachers, these animals live as nature intended. But nature does not promise anyone an easy life, as we see here.

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