Taylor Not So Swift

1 year ago

Taylor Not So Swift

“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
This quote from Macbeth is quite the description of our current news and entertainment industry. Rarely these days do they impart anything that enriches or teaches something of use. Anytime there is a person who rises above the rest, they unfortunately find themselves surrounded by the likes of Wormtongue, of LOTR fame. He is the archetype of our current media’s slave holders.

Greek theater had a purpose in Athens, all would gather and learn and relearn and discuss philosophy. Rich and poor alike. There was a time when we had that. We healed old wounds and began to move forward together. We were sold out to insanity and social media likes. This was done for the purpose of moving us backward. Someone recognized that like riches, guilt can be inherited and passed down through generations. The media had been turned to that purpose. Fortunately that is slowly being turned around again.

What was the purpose behind that? Take a look at any radicalized leftist and you’ll see a self loathing person who has been twisted by these forces. They are the modern day Orcs. Have you ever really known a person that is driven by guilt and self loathing? They can be convinced to do just about anything in an attempt to redeem themselves. Our mass media was turned to that purpose. All of the real talent got run off and fortunately rehired intp safer companies. “Support what supports you and leave everything else behind.” Is finally taking hold again.

Hopefully Taylor and company will wake up again one day. Their historical knowledge has been subverted by hysterical knowledge. They’re caught in the vortex above the drain.

Bidens E0 is on this page and you can see where all of this illegal immigration is coming from and by the way it’s still illegal. This is the left trying to backfill for the people that got fed up with corruption and moved away. Read it with an eye towards what I said above. Guilt is powerful.

Boycott anything Mexican

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