The Screwtape Letters

1 year ago

What goes on in Hell, anyway?

Are there senior and junior demons? And do the senior temptors teach the junior? And how does temptation into sin work?
The demons know us well!

The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. As I review I also relate what Lewis wrote to what is going on in some events in modern society. Lewis had considerable foresight (or he was some kind of prophet) to what was coming in the world, and it is visible in many of his works, The Screwtape letters are no exception.

Demons and angels, patients and victims, heaven and hell.

All here from the point of view of a senior demon, or tempter, to his underling, watch this video, then read the book, but get the later edition, which has the segment "Screwtape Proposes a Toast."

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