Some things about the Rothschild Crime Syndicate apparently allowed to be uttered -- Omitting everything that is not -- So I added some of that in the description below

11 months ago

Backroom deals, betrayal, and a war that’s lasted almost a hundred years. This is what happened when the "richest" family crime syndicate in the world decided to create their own country, "Israel", in the stolen land of Palestine. In 1917, the Rothschilds, formerly known as the Bauers (from Germany), the now trillion counterfeit dollar crime syndicate that invented the counterfeit debt enslavement ponzi scheme called "modern-day banking", used their counterfeiting of fiat currency, erroneously seen by the populace as "money", the power this gave them, and the subsequent influence to strike a secret swindle with the so called British "government", that they fully "own" and control through their debt ponzi scheme swindle, resulting in the Balfour declaration. Through their worldwide imposed debt ponzi scheme wealth transfer mechanism, and the perpetual wars they created, wherein they always "fund(ed)", I.E. INDEBT(ED) every side in the deliberately created wars, this globalist crime syndicate family has successfully usurped control over every so called "nation" in the world, which are now ALL private corporations, owned and controlled by them, through their global system of counterfeit debt enslavement, imposed upon the ignorant and gullible populace, by their so called "governments", which too, are ALL private globalist Rothschild owned and controlled corporations.

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