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![Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIC](
Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIC
This will require a PART IIID due to length. I already know what to add ;)
Indianapolis, IN: 2020-22 murders = 669 * 2020-22 population = 2,650,321 & a murder rate of 25.242 The Indianapolis Police Dept. says (note “criminal homicides”) 675 murders during the same time frame, a rate of 25.468. The site says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) provides police services to Marion County. IMPD includes 1,700 sworn officers and 250 civilian employees” & it also says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) serves nearly 365 square miles in Indianapolis and approximately 826,221 residents.” I presume from that it refers only to criminal homicides inside Indy proper.,_Indiana Indianapolis’ current Democrat Mayor has been there since 1/1/16 (third term just began), the previous Mayor was a Republican (8 years) & prior to that a Democrat for 8 years. As you can see from the map, the Indiana State House Districts that encompass Marion County en masse & Indianapolis City are overwhelmingly Democrat, only a few Districts in the southern part of the County are GOP. It’s been that way for a while, although I did see one District (89) that flipped in 2020. If I am correct, only one GOP District pokes inside Indy’s city limits.
Democrats won Marion Co. in every statewide election since 2016, only failed to hit 60% three times & won it by 20% every time but once. I cannot find good precinct data for 2020 or 2022, so I don’t know exactly how much Indianapolis City tilts towards the Party of Lenin, but I would wager it’s several % more than the county. This page gives results for 2006, which isn’t what I’m looking for.
20 of Indy’s 25 City Council seats are occupied by the Party of Lenin. Back in 2019, the GOP had eleven, so it’s more lopsided now.
Fort Wayne, IN: 2020-22 murders = 102 * 2020-22 population = 797,815 & a murder rate of 12.784 Fort Wayne PD says 106 murders 2020-22, a rate of 13.286,_Indiana,_Indiana Of the House Districts that currently encompass Fort Wayne (80-83), two are Democrat. Prior to redistricting (this may require you to look at the District Maps prior to redistricting) it was three GOP & one Dumocrat. Districts 80 & 82 are the bulk of the city & are the Democrats currently. 80 & 81 seemed to be the bulk of the city prior to redistricting, one was GOP, one was Dum.
Their current Mayor is a Democrat & has been occupying City Hall since 2008. Their previous Mayor (for 8 years) was a Democrat as well, previously serving in the IN State Senate. Four of Fort Wayne’s nine city council seats are Democrat currently. Back in 2019, the GOP had seven of the nine & in 2022 the GOP had five of the nine.
Allen County is a reliable GOP county, Fort Wayne City is basically a tossup.
South Bend, IN: 2020-22 murders = 35 (no data for 2022, bad data for 2021, using local PD data, see below) * 2020-22 population = 309,899 & a murder rate of 23.556 South Bend PD says 73 murders 2020-22 (25 in 2022) & I will fill in “25” for the missing year of FBI data above. I feel the FBI data for 2021 is seriously lowballed, I will use South Bend PD data in my final tally. NOTE: Make sure you use months 1-12 on the SBPD page as its default was 1-11 when I opened it. Murder rate 2020-22 = 23.556,_Indiana IN State House Districts 6 & 8 cover South Bend, both are Democrat & it was the same scenario prior to redistricting. South Bend has had Mayors associated w/ the Demoncrat Party for some time, the most famous being “Rear Admiral” Pete Buttigieg, the only man to take an extended time for maternity leave but came back early because breastfeeding was not working.
South Bend has had a murder problem for a long time, its rate is north of 3X the national average. St. Joseph County has gone from a lean Democrat county to a tossup in statewide elections since 2016. Since I cannot get good precinct data, I can’t tell you how South Bend City voted, but I would wager its lean Democrat in statewide elections.
Muncie, IN: 2020-22 murders = 27 * 2020-22 population = 195,565 & a murder rate of 13.806
Muncie PD has no data on this, so the FBI is my only source.,_Indiana IN State House District that covers Muncie is #34 & it has been Democrat for a very long time. Delaware County is a lean Republican County, but Muncie City, not so much.
3 of the last 5 Mayoral Elections in Muncie have been won by the GOP (did not realize there was so much reporting for a small town on partisan elections), but the City Council over the past 6+ years has gone back and forth.
Gary, Indiana: 2020-22 murders = 160 (FBI has only data for 2020, see below for filled-in data) * 2020-22 population = 205,383 & a murder rate of 77.903 per 100,000 (!). Gary PD data is non-existent & thus, useless. Due to a dearth of FBI data on Gary (the City Data essay concurs w/ FBI data for 2016-20) I have to use other sources. The first Times piece says 64 murders in 2022 & the latter says 63 in 2022 & 48 in 2021. I will use the latter data.,_Indiana (Jerome Prince) Gary has had a boatload of Democrat “persons of color” winning Mayoral races there, yet the violence continues unabated & the women keep birthing children who never see Daddy.
IN State House Districts (2 & 3) that cover Gary are both Demoncrat, it was that way prior to the 2020 Census as well.
Indiana Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,422 * 2020-22 population = 20,432,237 & a murder rate of 6.959 per 100,000.
IN Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Indianapolis, Muncie, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Gary) the jurisdictions I covered (429 murders & 16,273,254 population) = 2.636 per 100,000. There is a crime wave in Indiana, but it is confined to a tiny portion of the entire state. Kansas City, KS: FBI has squat for data on this city or Wyandotte County Sheriff. So, I will use Kansas City, Kansas PD data, which is also insufficient. According to that Department, they had (35, 39, 58, 51) 183 murders 2018-2021. If I average that out (I know, not completely scientific) then we have 45 or 46 murders. If I add in 45 for 2022, then KC (KS) had 154 murders 2020-22, & a murder rate (population = 464,496) of 33.154. Keep in mind, murders for 2016 & 2017 were much higher than the next 2 years.
I searched newspapers online in a fruitless effort & while I can find gobs of data for the murder-fest going on in Kansas City, MO, the Kansas side is much more difficult. The entire Kansas City Metro Area (MO or KS side) is akin to a demilitarized zone & Democrats do well there. Surprise!
KS State Data says 142 murders for KC (2020-22) & that’s a staggering rate of 30.57. This is the data I will use in my final tallies. Kansas State House Districts (31, 37, 36, 35, 34, 32) that cover KC are all Democrat & were long before redistricting. David Alvey & Mark Holland, the two previous Mayors (the latter having a fetish for homosexuality in the pulpit, so he is an apostate) of KC are Democrats, but Wikipedia (which is a garbage can for the most part) “reports” the current Mayor (Tyrone Garner) is also a Democrat, but I could not find anything definitive on Ballotpedia. This link is for later, I don’t need it for KC, which is the vast majority of Wyandotte County, Kansas. In every statewide election since 2016, the Democrat nominee received >60% of the vote.
Topeka, KS: 2020-22 murders = 30 (I call B.S. on the total of one murder in 2020) * 2020-22 population = 378,013 & a murder rate of 7.936
KS State Data pegs Topeka’s murders at 51, which is a rate of 13.491 & more accurate than what the FBI had. This is the data I will use in my final tallies.,_Kansas,_Kansas Topeka’s previous 3 Mayors (add in Larry Wolgast, who served under KS Democrat Governor John Carlin) are Democrats, reaching back over a decade.
KS State House Districts (57, 53, 55, 56, 58) that cover Topeka are all Democrat-occupied & have been that way for quite a while. In KS’ election data by precinct, Shawnee County (which is a tossup, both parties have won it at least 2X in statewide elections since 2016, although the Dems usually prevail) was curiously absent, so my analysis ends there.
Wichita, KS: 2020-22 murders = 133 * 2020-22 population = 1,189,438 & a murder rate of 11.181
KS State Data says 134 murders, a rate of 11.265,_Kansas,_Kansas As you can see, there are a plethora of KS State House Districts around Wichita. The core of the city is surrounded by Democrat Districts (7 of them by my count & they were Democrat prior to redistricting) & several GOP Districts (9 by my count) that poke into the city limits by small margins on the outskirts.
Wichita’s current Mayor was a Republican until 2022, then became a registered Libertarian & was recently elected. Their previous Mayor (Mrs. Whipple, one term) was a Democrat, his predecessor Jeff Longwell (for one term) is a Republican & Democrat Carl Brewer (who sought the Democrat nomination for Governor in 2018) served for 8 years.
Sedgwick County leans Republican, but Covid Clown Kelly did win it twice in statewide elections since 2016. Sedgwick is NOT in precinct level results either, why?
Kansas Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 376 * 2020-22 population = 8,812,919 & a murder rate of 4.266 per 100,000.
KS Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita) the jurisdictions I covered (50 murders & 6,780,972 population) = 0.737 per 100,000. The Crime Wave in Kansas is basically confined to 3 cities.
KS State Data says 534 murders 2020-22, which is way beyond the FBI total. It could be the lack of reporting from some violent agencies (highly likely) and/or justified homicides and/or negligent manslaughter being included in the state tally.
If I recalculate the murder rate using KS data, it’s 6.059 per 100,000 statewide & OUTSIDE those jurisdictions it’s (207 murders OUTSIDE those cities) 3.052 per 100,000. Just doing an apples-to-apples comparison & my point about the crime wave in KS being confined to 3 cities stands.
Jackson, MS: FBI has no data for 2021-22, 110 murders in 2020.
The first few articles have 155 in 2021 & 138 in 2022. The final piece gives these totals – 133, 160 & 138. This article says 128, 155 & 130 in 2022. This one says 128 in 2020 & 153 in 2021.
How does one tally this? I’ll go w/ 110 (2020), 153 (2021) & 130 (2022). I am NOT totally sure (their rate will be sky-high nonetheless) if these articles are excluding justifiable murders & negligent manslaughter. Jackson’s murder rate 2020-22 (population = 449,461) was 87.438 per 100,000. Holy Homicide Batman! No wonder people are leaving this dunghole, it’s so bad there they long for Baltimore.,_Mississippi,_Mississippi
Jackson’s current Mayor is a Democrat, Wikipedia & the AP report the previous clown (Tony Yarber) was also a Democrat. Jackson has had Mayors associated w/ the Dumbasscrat Party for decades. All the Mississippi State House Districts that engulf Jackson (66, 68, 71, 67, 70, 72) are held by Democrats & that was the case prior to redistricting. Jackson is a Democrat stronghold.
Finding precinct-level data that would not take an eternity for MS would be difficult, so I am not going to do that. Hinds County, where most of Jackson resides voted >70% for the Democrat nominee in every statewide election there since 2016. Jackson is run by Democrats & the entire city sucks. If War of the Worlds happened in real life, we would let them annex that pile of rubble.
Mississippi Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 817 * 2020-22 population = 8,850,931 & a murder rate of 9.23 per 100,000.
MS Murder rate OUTSIDE of Jackson (424 murders & 8,401,470 population) = 5.046 per 100,000. Likely not apples-to-apples because of a lack of Jackson PD reporting to the FBI, which would raise MS’s statewide rate significantly. MS has a lot of problems, but if given an enema, the tube goes in Jackson.
However, the murder rate OUTSIDE Jackson is likely way below the national average.
Richmond City, VA: 2020-22 murders = 214 * 2020-22 population = 682,617 & a murder rate of 31.349 I wanted to use VA State Data but their 2022 report did not contain crime by jurisdiction, the two previous reports did. The two state reports tallied Richmond’s murders at 155 & Richmond PD’s 2022 report says (2021 & 2020 are missing oddly) 59 murders. That’s 214 murders, which is the same as the FBI total. Richmond City is a dangerous place.,_Virginia,_Virginia Richmond has had nothing but Democrap Mayors since the voters elected them directly in 2005 & prior to that, Republicans had little luck. Richmond City, in statewide elections since 2016 voted >77% for the Democrat nominee every single time.
When Virginia completed redistricting, you may see a certain District # now representing an entirely different part of the state, keep that in mind if you look back to see how a certain area voted prior to redistricting, because it is not typical.
VA State House Districts that cover Richmond (78, 79, 81) are all Democrat currently. Prior to redistricting, they were Democrat-controlled as well. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Petersburg, VA: 2020-22 murders = 66 * 2020-22 population = 100,280 & a murder rate of 65.815 Petersburg PD data is useless. I appreciate weekly crime reports as much as the next guy, but please upload a citywide end-of-year report. VA State Data says 41 murders for 2020 & 21 combined.,_Virginia,_candidate_2022),_Virginia
Petersburg’s current Mayor (Sam Parham, since 2017) is a Democrat, the previous Mayor, as far as I can tell (W. Howard Myers) is an Independent & Brian A. Moore, his predecessor was a Dummycrat. Petersburg is not big enough to control an entire House District & the two it inhabits (82 & 74) that split the city are occupied by the GOP.
However, the city itself routinely votes for Democrats & by 40% margins. Democrats dominate on the ballot in this homicide-laden hellhole. In statewide races since 2016, they voted >80% for the Democrat nominee every single time (Dave Leip).
Roanoke City, VA: 2020-22 murders = 49 * 2020-22 population = 296,727 & a murder rate of 16.513
VA State Data says 31 murders for 2020 & 2021, that concurs w/ FBI data. Roanoke PD data is not helpful.,_Virginia,_2017 VA House Districts that engulf & devour Roanoke are 38 & 39, the former is Democrat & is the bulk of the city. It was that way prior to redistricting as well.
Their current Mayor (Sherman Lea) endorsed an idiot named Ralph Northam & their previous Mayor David Bowers is now a Republican but was a Democrat for most of his life. Taking us all the way back to 2004, Nelson Harris is a Democrat & his predecessor for one term was a Republican. Roanoke City votes for Democrats in large margins, period.
Hampton, VA: 2020-22 murders = 74 * 2020-22 population = 412,941 & a murder rate of 17.920 Hampton PD data is no help, so the VA State Data says 51 murders (2020-21), which is two short of the FBI totals for those years.,_Virginia According to Dave Leip, Hampton City voted >66% for the Dumocrat nominee in all statewide races since 2016. Hampton’s current Mayor (Donnie Tuck) is a Democrat, Wikipedia says his predecessor is a Democrat, but I could not verify this. The previous Mayor (Molly Ward) is a Democrat & that takes us back to 2008.
VA State House Districts (87 & 86) that encompass Hampton are one Democrat (which is most of the city) & one Republican District that squeaks into Hampton’s city limits. Prior to redistricting, the Districts covering Hampton (it seemed more evenly split) were split as well, but the one that leaned GOP did go to the dark side for one election.
Newport News, VA: 2020-22 murders = 85 * 2020-22 population = 555,136 & a murder rate of 15.311 Newport News PD says (no data for 2022) 55 murders in 2020-21. VA state data says 54 murders for those 2 years.,_Virginia I believe House Districts 85 & 87 cover Newport News, both are Democrat & the 2 Districts that covered it prior to redistricting were Democrat. Wikipedia reports McKinley L. Price is an Independent (and he may be), but he did endorse retard Terry McAuliffe. Their current Mayor (according to Wikipedia, cough) is supposedly a Democrat & once I scrolled through his Twitter/X feed it was confirmed. Another shooting in Newport News, who would’ve thunk it? Why can most of VA behave itself (and most parts of places like IA, MT, ID, WI, MN, etc.) & a handful of diverse, Democrat-run cities cannot. Odd?
In statewide elections since 2016, only once did the Democrat nominee fail to get >60% of the vote.
Portsmouth, VA: 2020-22 murders = 117 * 2020-22 population = 292,784 & a murder rate of 39.961 Portsmouth PD is no help; VA State Data says 70 murders 2020-21.,_Virginia,_Portsmouth,_Virginia_(2015-2016) Portsmouth City usually votes 2-to-1 for the Dums in statewide races, no surprise there. VA House Districts 92 & 88 cover Portsmouth, both are Democrats & the 2 Districts prior to redistricting were also Democrat.
Their Mayor for 6 years (Kenneth Wright) is an Independent as far as I can see, but reading his comments about race & diversity, tell me what he sounds like. I think John Rowe is an Indy, but he thinks Portsmouth’s issues are racism. Yeah, right.
Norfolk, VA: 2020-22 murders = 177 * 2020-22 population = 706,085 & a murder rate of 25.067 Norfolk PD data is non-existent/useless, VA State Data says 111 murders 2020-21. That’s 3 less than the FBI tally.,_Virginia#Government Norfolk has had Democrat Mayors since Bill Clinton was in the Oval Orifice & Paul Fraim is a Mayors Against Illegal Guns schmuck.
Norfolk City voted >67% for the Democrat nominee in statewide races since 2016. VA State House Districts (92, 93) for Norfolk are Democrat. There should be 3 Districts due to Norfolk’s size & the avg. # of residents represented by each District, but I am not sure which one it is. Either way, all the Districts surrounding Norfolk are Democrat & it was that way years ago too.
Danville, VA: 2020-22 murders = 19 * 2020-22 population = 127,036 & a murder rate of 14.956
VA State Data reports 11 murders 2020-21, that concurs w/ the FBI.,_Virginia,_candidate_2022) In every statewide election (Dave Leip) since 2016 the Democrat nominee won the city & only once did they get <57% of the vote. Several times the Dem got >60% of the vote. Danville’s current Mayor is an Independent as far as I can tell & the previous Mayor (John Gilstrap) was as well.
Danville is not big enough to have a VA House District to itself, but for what it’s worth District 49 (GOP) gobbles up the city & prior to redistricting it was the same way.
Virginia Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,735 * 2020-22 population = 25,972,368 & a murder rate of 6.68 per 100,000.
Murder Rate in VA OUTSIDE (Richmond City, Danville, Petersburg, Norfolk City, Portsmouth, Newport News, Hampton, Roanoke City) the cities I covered (934 murders & 22,798,762 population) = 4.096 per 100,000.
VA State Data says 1,711 murders 2020-22.
Louisville, KY (Jefferson County, KY): 2020-22 murders = 502 * 2020-22 population = 1,885,588 & a murder rate of 26.622 KY State Data tallies 394 murders (the 59 total in 2022 is obviously lowballed) for Louisville 2020-22. I cannot get data for the number of murder victims 2020-22 from Louisville PD.,_Kentucky,_Kentucky Nine of Louisville Metro’s 26 City Council Seats are GOP currently, back in 2021 it was 7. Louisville Metro has had Democrat Mayors for decades & the numerous Kentucky State House Districts surrounding Louisville/Jefferson County (I see one District that is in Louisville proper (28) that is GOP right now) are Democrat-occupied & it was that way prior to redistricting too.
In KY statewide elections since 2016, Jefferson County voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat nominee each time, although they failed to hit the 60% mark many times.
Lexington, KY/Fayette County: 2020-22 murders = 94 * 2020-22 population = 964,707 & a murder rate of 9.743
KY State Data says 105 murders & a rate of 10.884,_Kentucky,_Kentucky Of the numerous KY State House Districts encircling/engulfing Lexington, only one is occupied by the GOP & that was the case prior to redistricting. Fayette Co. voted for the Democrat nominee every time in statewide races since 2016, although failed to breach the 60% mark a few times. Hillary Clinton had the closest margin, she only won 51.2% of the vote, but still won by >9%.
The current Mayor (Linda Gorton, since 2019) views herself as an Indy but is a registered Republican. I am counting you as GOP Linda, change your registration! The previous Mayor (Jim Gray, 8 years) was a Democrat & so was his predecessor.
Kentucky Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,003 * 2020-22 population = 13,524,792 & a murder rate of 7.416
Murder Rate in KY OUTSIDE of (Louisville/Jefferson County, Lexington/Fayette County) those jurisdictions (407 murders & 10,674,497 population) = 3.812 per 100,000. Well below the national average. The Democrat Crime Wave in Bluegrass country is basically confined to 2 counties.
KY State Data says 1,728 murders, labeled “homicide offenses.” They also separate “justifiable homicide” & “negligent manslaughter” in the municipal & county data. The overall state report just lists the homicide offenses, which includes those other two. Therefore, I would have to tally every jurisdiction to get the true number & I am not going to do that.
Buffalo, NY: 2020-22 murders = 195 * 2020-22 population = 831,594 & a murder rate of 23.448. I wonder if Sam Seder has enough brain stem activity to tally a murder rate for Buffalo 2016-19 & compare that to 2020-22? NY State Data says 203 murders & a rate of 24.41,_New_York,_New_York New York State Assembly Districts (149 & 141) that cover Buffalo are Democrat (142 intrudes on a tiny part of this dunghole) & were that way before redistricting. Buffalo’s entire City Council is Dumocrat & it was that way in 2021 as well. Buffalo’s current Mayor is a Dumocrat & has been in that position since 2006 – their previous Mayor (Anthony Masiello) was a Dum as well. According to Dave Leip, Biden & Hillary both received >75% of the vote in Buffalo City in 2020 & 2016.
Rochester, NY: 2020-22 murders = 186 * 2020-22 population = 631,279 & a murder rate of 29.463. I wonder if Creepy old man Sam Seder thinks the Democrat crime wave in Rochester is dead?
NY State Data says 196 murders & a rate of 31.048 per 100,000,_New_York Rochester City gave >79% of the vote to Kid Sniffer Joe Biden & Hillary in the last 2 POTUS elections according to Dave Leip. Their current Mayor is a Dem & their previous two (Lovely Warren & Tom Richards) are also Democrats. Taking us back to 2006, Robert Duffy was also the Democrat Lt. Gov. under Andrew “Let’s put people w/ COVID in nursing homes w/ old people” Cuomo.
NY (137 & 138) State Assembly Districts that encircle Rochester are Democrat currently & that was the case prior to redistricting as well.
Syracuse, NY: 2020-22 murders = 49 (for 2020 & 2022 only) * 2020-22 population = 439,162 & a murder rate of INCOMPLETE, see below
NY State Data says 78 murders, this is the data I will use. Their 2020 & 2022 totals agree w/ the FBI en masse, but the totals for those years are NOT the same. Their murder rate is 17.761 per 100,000.,_New_York Syracuse’s current Mayor Ben Walsh is a legit Independent as far as I can see, their previous Mayor Stephanie Miner was NY Democrat Party Chair & the clown before that (Matthew John Driscoll) was appointed by COVID Cuomo to be the Executive of The New York State Thruway Authority. Make what you want of that. NY State Assembly Districts (128, 129) that cover Syracuse are Democrap-controlled & it was that way long before redistricting. Syracuse City (Dave Leip) voted >70% for Biden & Hillary. If you want to dig further, the votes for Hochul in both those Assembly Districts outnumbered the votes for Zeldin, for what it’s worth.
Albany, NY: 2020-22 murders = 37 * 2020-22 population = 298,676 & a murder rate of 12.388 per 100,000. Hey Sam Seder, if you can extract your head from your colon, tell me if Albany’s murder rate 2020-22 is higher than the previous 4 years.
NY State Data says 47 murders, quite a difference from the FBI (rate = 15.736).,_New_York,_New_York_(2021),_New_York NY Assembly Districts 109 & 108 cover Albany, those have been Democrat for some time. Both those Assembly Districts (parts that were Albany Co.) voted overwhelmingly for Hochul in 2022. Albany City voted >77% for Biden & Hillary in 2020 & 2016.
Albany has had Democrat Mayors for many decades, it’s a one-party city. Enjoy it lunatics!
Niagara Falls, NY: 2020-22 murders = 23 * 2020-22 population = 145,026 & a murder rate of 15.859
NY State Data says 31 murders, a rate of 21.375,_New_York Going back to at least 2004, Niagara Falls has had Democrat Mayors. According to Dave Leip, Hillary received >54% of the vote in the city in 2016, Kid Sniffer Biden got >58%.
The city is not big enough to control an Assembly District, but for what it’s worth, District 145 is currently Republican & has been for a while. Niagara County is a GOP county, Niagara Falls City is a Democrat city.
New York Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,462 * 2020-22 population = 59,735,873 & a murder rate of 4.121 per 100,000
Murder rate in NY OUTSIDE of (Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, Syracuse) those jurisdictions (1,972 murders & 57,390,136 population) = 3.436 per 100,000. Even though New York City only has a murder rate (2020-22) of (1,394 murders & 25,607,604 population) 5.443, it is raising the average in NY State. GOP Counties & cities are not the problem in NY. NY State Data says 2,516 murders 2020-22
Little Rock, AR: 2020-22 murders = 189 * 2020-22 population = 607,424 & a murder rate of 31.115 AR State Data says 190 murders, a rate of 31.279. Can Creepy old man Sam Seder do math? Is it safer in Little Rock since the Saint George Floyd riots?,_Arkansas Arkansas State House Districts (75, 72, 73, 76, 80 & 74) that cover Little Rock are all Democrat-controlled at this time & that was the case prior to redistricting.
Little Rock’s current Mayor is associated with the Dumocrat Party, I could not find anything definitive on the previous clown, but he did endorse Joe Biden, so he probably needs his head examined. That takes us all the way back to 2007. I wanted to find out (Pulaski Co. is lean Democrat, they do not always vote 60% for the Dumbasscrat) who Little Rock City voted for & I have a general idea where the precincts are, but the zipdatamap is much better. Pretty obvious Joe Biden won Little Rock City pretty easily, as did some dumbass named Natalie James in 2022.
North Little Rock, AR: 2020-22 murders = 58 * 2020-22 population = 193,389 & a murder rate of 29.991
AR State Data concurs w/ the FBI, 58 murders 2020-22. Their longtime/forever Mayor Patrick Hays endorsed Joe Biden, so he’s crazy. I could not find anything definitive on Terry Hartwick. Their previous Mayor (Joe Smith) was endorsed by some lunatics, make what you want of that.
AR State House Districts (72 & 70, the former being Democrat-occupied & the vast majority of the city) the encompass North Little Rock are one Democrat, one GOP. That was the case prior to redistricting. You can see from the zipdata precinct map, Joe Biden won North Little Rock City vs. Trump by massive margins.
Pine Bluff, AR: 2020-22 murders = 64 * 2020-22 population = 120,996 & a murder rate of 52.894
AR State Data says 63 murders, a rate of 52.067
(see also previous AR links) (She was tagged in that photo) As you can see, Pine Bluff City voted overwhelmingly for “Plugs” Biden. I would be shocked if Mayor Shirely Washington did not vote for Joe Biden & Shillary Clinton. Judging by some of her posts, she’s probably not a Republican. I could not find anything definitive on the previous Mayor (Debe Hollingsworth).
AR (64 & 65) State House Districts that gobble up Pine Bluff (and effectively split the city) are both Democrat currently & prior to redistricting it was the same scenario.
Jacksonville, AR: 2020-22 murders = 15 * 2020-22 population = 87,918 & a murder rate of 17.061
AR State Data says 15 murders as well. The city is too small to cover a District itself, but for what it’s worth #66 is where it resides & that is Dummycrat. Previously, the District that the city was in went to the GOP. Jacksonville City voted for Biden in 2020. Their previous Mayor (Bob Johnson) is a Democrat & I could not find anything definitive on current Mayor Jeff Elmore. The city is a war zone, period – good luck cleaning up that mess Jeff Elmore. It’s not a safe place to live, ergo, nobody is going to move there. If you don’t believe me, tour Detroit, Baltimore, Flint, St. Louis or Buffalo.
Arkansas Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 967 * 2020-22 population = 9,085,314 & a murder rate of 10.643
AR Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, Pine Bluff) those jurisdictions (641 murders & 8,075,587 population) = 7.937 per 100,000. Still pretty high.
AR State Data says 941 murders for that time frame
North Las Vegas & Las Vegas, NV: (Lumping these together because they are lumped together in Nevada) 2020-22 murders = 477 * 2020-22 population = 2,762,126 & a murder rate of 17.269. It should be noted that the murder rate in Las Vegas was 20.791 per 100,000. NV State Data says (406 murders for Las Vegas, 72 for North Las Vegas) 478 murders for those cities 2020-22, a rate of 17.305 per 100,000
Clark County has been voting Democrat in statewide elections for a long time but failed to hit 60% in any of those races since 2016.,_2010,_Nevada,_Nevada,_North_Las_Vegas,_Nevada_(2011)
Las Vegas’ last two Mayors (since 1999) have come from the Goodman family; the former was Mayor until 2011 & was a Democrat until 2009. The Mrs. is a registered Independent. Oscar flirted w/ running for Governor as an Indy but decided against it.
North Las Vegas’ current Mayor is a Democrat (since December 2022 & her runoff opponent was also a Democrat), her predecessor (John Lee, GOP) was in office for over 9 years, before that was Shari Buck (endorsed Marco Rubio in 2016) & Mike Montandon, all Republicans.
There are a bevy of Nevada State House Districts that encompass Las Vegas & North Las Vegas – I see only two currently (2 & 4) that poke into the city limits of either of those cities & most of those Districts are outside those cities. The District that is currently vacant has been Democrat for a long time. North Las Vegas & Las Vegas have been sending Democrats to Carson City for a long time. Collectively (especially for North Las Vegas), those cities voted for Joe Biden in overwhelming fashion. Clark County outside of North Las Vegas & Las Vegas leans more Republican.
I wanted to examine the 2022 Gubernatorial Sweepstakes, but the precinct numbers from Zipdatamaps (2020) do NOT match w/ the precinct numbers for the 2022 race, so it’s difficult to determine (especially since they just number them, instead of putting LV & then a # to make it easier for folks like me) what is Las Vegas & North Las Vegas.
Knowing what I know, I would wager those cities were ~60% for King Sisolak (Victor Joecks gave him that name during COVID) & the rest of the county, not so thrilled about that big, fat dummy.
Nevada Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 635 * 2020-22 population = 9,428,798 & a murder rate of 6.734 per 100,000
NV Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Las Vegas, North Las Vegas) those jurisdictions (158 murders & 6,666,672 population) = 2.369 per 100,000. The crime wave in NV is in Democrat-dominated areas.
NV State Data says 650 murders in that time frame.
Baltimore City, MD: 2020-22 murders = 785 * 2020-22 population = 1,732,122 & a murder rate of 45.32 MD State Data says (334 in 2020, 160 in 2021 & 300 in 2022) 794 murders, a rate of 45.839. YIKES! Must be racism causing all that violence in the Chocolate City of MD.,_Maryland
In statewide elections since 2016 (Dave Leip), Baltimore City voted >66% (most of the time, it’s in the 80% range) for the Dumocrat nominee. Baltimore’s Mayors (as have their City Councilmen) have been Democrat since the late 1960s. All the Maryland State House Districts covering Baltimore are inhabited by Democrats & it has been that way for a very long time. The city is hemorrhaging population, nobody moves there & it’s a wreck. Welcome to Crazy Town, population Progressive Democrats.
Annapolis, MD: 2020-22 murders = 12 (2021 is missing, filling it in w/ other data, see below) * 2020-22 population = 122,142 & a murder rate of INCOMPLETE. Since MD State Data has good county data, but not for city I am using this piece to fill it in. It gives a total of FIVE for 2021. That gives us a murder rate of 9.824 per 100,000.,_Maryland,_Maryland,_District_6,_Maryland,_candidate_2022) Dementia Biden won every precinct in Annapolis in 2020. The lone Maryland Delegate District (30A) that covers Annapolis has two Democrats, it was that way in 2018, but 4 years prior it was one GOP & one Dumocrat. Annapolis’ Mayor since December 2017 is a Democrat, prior to that it was a Republican for one term & the 3 previous Mayoral Sweepstakes went to the Democrats.
Maryland Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,759 * 2020-22 population = 18,516,483 & a murder rate of 9.499
MD Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Baltimore City, Annapolis) those areas (962 murders & 16,662,219 population) = 5.773
Since most MD agencies are not reporting NIBRS yet, giving you their murder total would be fruitless as it would be seriously underestimated. The Summary Reports stopped in 2020.
New Orleans/Orleans Parish, LA: 2020-22 murders = 685 * 2020-22 population = 1,130,810 & a murder rate of 60.576. Even Creepy Divorcee Sam Seder knows that the Democrat Crime Wave is alive & well in the Big Sleazy. NOPD data is useless & there is no 2022 report from the state, so the FBI data is all we have.,_Louisiana Prior to redistricting, I saw 2 Louisiana State House Districts that were inside the Big Sleazy that were GOP, the rest were Democrat & they get blowout wins (or unopposed). This appears to be the case today as well. 7 of the 9 Districts that are all or part of Orleans Parish are Democrat-controlled. They’ve been electing Democrat Mayors for eons; this is another city that is slowly dying & the Democrat Party has taken them to the 10th level of Hell. Their entire City Council is Democrat & it has been that way for some time.
According to Dave Leip, Orleans Parish voted >73% (sometimes the election did NOT go to a runoff, so I added all the votes for Democrat candidates) for Democrats in LA Statewide Elections since 2016.
Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish, LA: 2020-22 murders = 295 * 2020-22 population = 1,360,978 & a murder rate of 21.675
According to the FBI, Baton Rouge City had 266 murders & a rate (population = 670,554) of 39.668. Baton Rouge PD reports 317 murders 2020-22, a rate of 47.274 per 100,000 – that diverges massively from the FBI total & only for 2022. Looking back, it was rare that BTPD agreed w/ what the FBI tallied.,_Louisiana,_Louisiana Of the 5 LA State House Districts engulfing Baton Rouge, I see one occupied by the GOP & prior to redistricting there were two Districts occupied by the GOP. Oddly enough, currently 7 of the 12 seats on the East Baton Rouge Metro Council are GOP & it was that way in early 2021 as well.
The current Democrat Mayor has been in office since 2017 (Broome) & the previous clown Kip Holden (also a Dem) takes us all the way back to 2005. The GOP had some limited success prior to that, winning the previous two election cycles, which was the first time since Reconstruction. Suffice to say, the GOP has not done well in Baton Rouge.
In the 2023 LA Gubernatorial Jungle Primary the vote (East Baton Rouge Parish, Dave Leip) was basically a wash. In 2019, they voted 2-to-1 for the Democrat in the runoff. Biden & Hillary won the Parish easily but failed to get close to the 60% mark. It was basically split during the 2022 & 2020 LA Senate Jungle Primary & the Dem won by 4% in 2016 (runoff). Baton Rouge City (I believe all the 1- precincts are Baton Rouge City) voted overwhelmingly (I checked numerous precincts, a lot of Biden 80-90% blowouts) for Joe Biden in 2020. The city leans a lot more towards Democrats than the Parish.
Shreveport, LA: 2020-22 murders = 199 * 2020-22 population = 551,761 & a murder rate of 36.066 Shreveport PD data is useless, so we’re only using FBI data on this one,_Louisiana (his stepson) LA House Districts (2-4, 6 & 8) that cover Shreveport are 3 Democrats, 2 Republicans, but it seems that 2-4 (all Democrat) are entirely within the city. The two GOP Districts do not intrude much on the city limits. Prior to redistricting, it seems the GOP had 2 Districts, the Dems had three, but the three Districts that covered the majority of the city are 2 Democrats, one Republican.
It's important to remember that, especially if you have a city that has several Districts cutting through it. Shreveport has also lost a lot of people over the past couple decades. Their current Mayor is the first Republican since Bill Clinton’s days occupying the Oval Orifice, after six consecutive wins by Democrats. I do not feel like looking up precinct maps for 2 Parishes (Caddo, Bossier) & tallying them for Shreveport City, sorry.
Monroe, Louisiana: 2020-22 murders = 57 * 2020-22 population = 141,804 & a murder rate of 40.196 Monroe PD has no good data on this.,_Monroe,_Louisiana_(2022-2023) Monroe’s current Mayor is listed as an Independent, their previous Mayor who “served” for almost two decades was a dumbass, I mean a Democrat. LA State House Districts (17 & 16, which are most of the city & 14) that split Monroe up are 2 Democrats & one Republican, which was the case prior to redistricting as well. Ouachita Parish is a very GOP county, but Monroe City, not so much from what I can see. I tried in vain to get an actual precinct map for the Parish, so I can check which precincts were in Monroe City. I could not find one that was either really dated or gave me no real idea which precincts were Monroe & which were not. Considering the two Districts (16 & 17) where Democrats reside were won without even appearing on the primary ballot tells me Monroe City leans Democrat. Moving on…
Alexandria, LA: 2020-22 murders = 58 * 2020-22 population = 134,062 & a murder rate of 43.263,_2013,_2015,_Alexandria,_Louisiana_(2023-2024),_Louisiana For the past 37 years, Alexandria has had Democrat Mayors.
Rapides Parish is dominant GOP & if could get a good precinct map (because those entities are not labeling them in a way that I can tell definitively) it would tell me Alexandria City is full of black-on-black murder & leans Democrat.
Incidentally, I don’t need the precinct map to tell me who’s murdering who there. The lone House District that gobbles up Alexandria (26) has been Democrat for some time, including one of the idiots who ended up Mayor of that dunghole for 4 years.
Louisiana Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,381 * 2020-22 population = 13,875,088 & a murder rate of 17.16
LA Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Baton Rouge City, New Orleans/Orleans Parish, Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport) = (1,116 murders & 11,246,097 population) 9.923 per 100,000. Beaucoup black on black murder in Cajun Land.
Denver County, CO: 2020-22 murders = 285 * 2020-22 population = 2,140,113 & a murder rate of 13.317 per 100,000. CO State Data states 285 murders as well.,_Colorado It took the Democrat Party a while, but they’ve managed to ruin Denver after decades & decades of one party rule. Imagine what they want to do to the entire country if they’re able to stack the SCOTUS?
It's pretty easy to ascertain, Denver County sends a boatload of Democrats to the Colorado State House of Representatives every 2 years. It’s been that way for a while. According to Dave Leip, Denver County voted >73% for the Democrat nominee in statewide races since 2016. It’s a Democrat-dominated County that has seen their murder rate spike since the Saint George Floyd riots.
Aurora, CO: 2020-22 murders = 125 * 2020-22 population = 1,169,208 & a murder rate of 10.69
CO State Data says 147 murders, a rate of 12.572,_Colorado,_Colorado,_Colorado (see also links for Denver) The CO State House Districts that cover Aurora (6-8, 36 & 42) are all Democrat, it was that way prior to redistricting (one flipped in 2014). Aurora’s current Mayor (Mike Coffman, since December 2019) is a Republican & the previous (Steve Hogan, elected to 2 terms) one was a Democrat. Prior to that, it was the GOP Tauer boys (Ed & Paul) from 1987-2011. If you view the first link prior to selecting a race, you can see where Aurora is on the map. I suggest having it open in two tabs & one you have blank. It is pretty obvious that the City of Aurora voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden, Michael Bennet & Jared Polis, the latter two in 2022. Arapahoe County, where most of Aurora is located, voted Democrat (often 60%) in every statewide election since 2016.
Commerce City, CO: 2020-22 murders = 17 * 2020-22 population = 192,827 & a murder rate of 8.816
CO State Data says 17 murders as well Their current Mayor Steven Douglas is likely a Democrat, the previous one was a Republican & I cannot find definitive information on Sean Ford. Commerce City voted for Joe Biden in 2020. The lone CO State House District encompassing Commerce City (32) is Democrat & was that way prior to redistricting.
Colorado Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,029 * 2020-22 population = 17,424,956 & a murder rate of 5.905
CO Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Denver County, Commerce City, Aurora) those areas = (602 murders & 13,922,808 population) 4.323
CO State Data says 1,068 murders in that time period
Newark, NJ: 2020-22 murders = 170 * 2020-22 population = 924,116 & a murder rate of 18.395 NJ State Data is incomplete & Newark PD data will not display data prior to 2022, so the FBI is the only data I have,_New_Jersey,_New_Jersey Newark has had Democrap Mayors for a very long time, including Minnie Mouse Cory Booker. Booker thinks restricting white folks in Rural Iowa from owning guns will stop hood rats in Newark from killing each other. I doubt that and Miss Booker is not getting my guns anyways. New Jersey State Assembly Districts that cover Newark (28 & 29) are Democrat & have been for a long time.
In four statewide elections (that Dave Leip had data on) in NJ (2017 & 2021 Gubernatorial, 2016 & 2020 POTUS Sweepstakes) the Democrat nominee received >80% of the vote.
Camden City, NJ: 2020-22 murders = 68 * 2020-22 population = 214,546 & a murder rate of 31.694 Camden County Police have no data on this that I can find.
[NOTE: The FBI lists this as “Camden County Police Department” & it is also listed as “city.” This is NOT for the entire county, but for Camden City. The County took over police duties from the city years ago],_New_Jersey In the 4 statewide elections that Dave Leip had data on (2017 & 2021 Gubernatorial, 2020 & 2016 POTUS), Camden City voted >80% for the Democrat nominee. NJ State Assembly District 5 covers Camden City, it’s Democrat currently & has been for some time. Camden City has had a lot of Dumocrat Mayors & it’s been a war zone for a long time. Wash, rinse, repeat.
New Jersey Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 996 * 2020-22 population = 27,818,691 & a murder rate of 3.58
NJ Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Newark, Camden City) those cities = (758 murders & 26,680,029 population) 2.841
Miami City, FL: 2020-22 murders = 127 (2021 data missing, see below) * 2020-22 population = 1,331,664 & a murder rate of 9.536 FBI is missing data for 2022 & FL has not submitted a 2022 report oddly. That said, FL State Data gives Miami City 47 murders for 2021 & I used that to fill in the above missing data. Miami PD says the city had 157 murders 2020-22. FIBRS says Miami City had 29 murders in 2022 & no data for 2021.,_Florida The Co
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