UNVEILING THE LEGACY: The Knights of the Golden Circle & the Modern-Day Civil War Threat in America

1 year ago

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A secret order by the name of the 'Knights of the Golden Circle' were instrumental in agitating the United States into Civil War. Having had close ties to very powerful banking dynasties in Europe, this secret order, it seems, never really went away.
Instead, this secret society continued to operate under various different names and continues on to this very day. With the United States once again on the brink of a civil war in 2024, with so many dividing lines and interests against We the People, the stakes have never been higher. Will the citizens of America be able to preserve the legacies of Civil Rights heroes like President Lincoln and JFK? Or is history once again doomed to repeat itself?
#jamesanthonyreport #civilwar #unitedstates
Partial Transcript:
According to the book Exposition of the "Knights of the Golden Circle", published in 1861, this secret order and its' Democrat members believed that the U.S. Constitution was a tyrannical document since it prohibited the slave trade. The group met in weekly meetings with certain signs of recognition and devised ways in Congress to spark a war that would provide the opportunity to dissolve the Southern Territories. Ultimately, this group continued to thrive until the early 1900's and has never entirely went away but continued under different names, with their own rites, rituals, and constitution. President Abraham Lincoln had targeted this secret society by way of issuing "Greenbacks" as a way to fund the Northern war efforts. In 1863 the National Banking Act, which instituted a private central bank in the United States, was to be repealed by Lincoln after taking the oath of office in January of 1865. But after the Knights of the Golden Circle helped to agitate the Civil War bankers in London had backed the Union with French bankers backing the South and the U.S. was $100 million in debt. By stiffing the European bankers with his Greenbacks, Lincoln sealed his fate with this pro-slavery movement which also had close ties to the same banking families who gave us Karl Marx. In the 1960's President John F. Kennedy ran into this cabal when he authorized $4 billion in U.S. notes to get around the high interest usury of these international bankers during his term.
In 2020, we saw self-proclaimed civil rights leader Joe Biden run a presidential campaign from his basement in Delaware. We have a Democrat establishment that believes the Constitution is racist. A second Civil War is being fomented by the party in power. And in 2024 there seems to be no such thing as 'fiscal sanity' anymore; no one willing to step in front of the Fed train, so to speak. And though today's America is divided along many lines, here's some of the good news. Through all of the chaos, confusion, and heartbreak the American citizen is waking up. So-called 'Black America' is waking up too. And despite all that is being done to us, all the efforts to keep us on this plantation, this is indeed good news. If we are interested in preserving the legacies of both Lincoln and Kennedy, We the People will band together to pave the way for a future generation that remains free.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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