FORMER POLICE OFFICER - Evidence of decades Long Government fraud -The Fraud Explained.

1 year ago

As a former Police Officer I have acquired overwhelming evidence that most UK Government agencies have been involved in major fraud against the UK public through the taxation system by forging Companies House registration and using forged bank documents being produced by the banks and have been doing so for decades.

Since reporting this the head of many organisations.are being removed and attempts are being made to try and conceal the truth.

The system of crime is linked to most of the Worlds problems including illegal wars, unsafe pharmaceuticals, bank corruption, oil grabs, the health systems, most parlimentry scandals including the PPE and Royal Mail scandal.

Most media companies are linked to the fraud through the records obtained and are not responding to the obvious evidence.

My wife and I cannot return home over this and as a result the videos are not great, but do show the evidence through public legal records and documents.

This is a crime against humanity causing suffering to millions and benefitting few.

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