the Longest Day You Can Experience

1 year ago

What's the Longest Day You Can Experience w/ Commercial Flights?
Have you ever had a day you wish could last just a little longer? Maybe your birthday? Maybe an anniversary? Maybe you just curse at Earth for limiting you to 24 hours in a day?

Well, you’re in luck. The Earth rotates and this means we have lots of time zones. And if we kept jumping across these time zones, we could get a few more hours in our fay. But what if we take this to the extreme, if we kept getting on commercially available flights, what's the longest day we could experience?

The longest theoretically possible is 50 hours (thanks to some weirdness with the international date line), but we need airports, and some of these time zones have only a few thousand people in them, not to mention the Sun moves surprisingly fast. Want to know the answer? Watch the video to find out!

If you like the video or have any other video ideas you want to see us make, let us know in the comments section (it really helps us smaller channels).

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