How Israelis are Brainwashed (DAMAGED)

1 year ago

How Israelis are Brainwashed (DAMAGED)
Why do Israelis dance and celebrate the death and destruction in Gaza?
The answer lies in the dehumanization of Palestinians that is at the core of Israeli society.
The abuse of the Holocaust as a traumatizer to justify the genocide of Palestinians was very insightful and disturbing
If you think about, the Israeli people are being convinced to hate the same way as the Germans were convinced back in the 1930s. It’s just messed up that the ones that were oppressed are the oppressors now in less than century. I know it has happened before in history but it never stops to amaze me.
This is very similar to what happened in Germany during 30-40 of last century, we can call this behaviour : rascism, fascism, nazism, and all these items are part of zionism.
I am a European, retired from teaching in public schools and living in Spain. All my adult life I considered myself to be against racism and anti-semitism. Recently, I learned that because I condemn Israel´s policy toward the Palestinian Arabs, I am a new-antisemite. This is fine by me and the name-calling is a badge of honor and two can play at that game. The similarities between the Israeli Zionists and the Third Reich Nazis are unmistakable as they consider themselves to be Übermensch and the Palestinian Arabs as "human animals" and Untermensch. Now we see a genocide again only this time it is the population of the occupied territories who are the victims while the perpetrators are Zionist Israelis.
“the abused become the abusers”


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