Breathing Trouble: Understanding Aspiration Pneumonia

1 year ago

Welcome to our video on Aspiration Pneumonia,
Aspiration pneumonia is a serious lung infection that occurs when food particles or liquid accidentally enter the windpipe. It is also known as anaerobic pneumonia because oxygen depletion in the lungs creates an anaerobic condition.

When food particles or liquid enter our lungs, they get trapped in the air sacs known as alveoli. Sometimes, if there are bacteria or pathogens present in these particles or liquid, such as streptococcus pneumonia, they can cause infection. This leads to aspiration pneumonia. Our immune system perceives these food particles, liquid, or bacteria as invading materials and tries to kill them, resulting in inflammation at the site containing the particles. As a consequence, food particles, dead cells, and liquid accumulate in the alveoli, causing fluid buildup. This fluid then triggers irritation and coughing.

Aspiration pneumonia is more common in people with a weak defense system or those who suffer from impaired coughing. There are many reasons for impaired coughing, including throat cancer, excessive alcohol consumption, esophagus disorders, the use of sedative drugs, anesthesia, and others.

Signs and symptoms of aspiration pneumonia include the presence of colored mucus, sounds coming from the chest, shortness of breath, fatigue, a slight blue tint to the skin, and excessive sweating.

Treatment for aspiration pneumonia often involves providing highly humidified oxygen. For those who have difficulty eating, a tube is inserted through the nose into the stomach, and liquid-based food is given. Additionally, antibiotics are administered to kill the bacteria."

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