The run on silver - can silver suddenly disappear from the markets?

7 months ago

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Suppose you woke up one day, and all the silver was gone. All the coin shops would be out of stock, and the online dealers would be closed. The spot price would be pretty much unchanged, and there would be no mention of it in the news. But industry insiders would be able to tell that someone with very deep pockets has entered the market, and bought up all the silver practically overnight. This mysterious entity spared no expense, and emptied every vault in existence. Is this an imaginary scenario, or can it actually happen? Is it possible for silver to suddenly vanish from the markets? This is the question we will explore in this video.

Music: Michael Kobrin - The Introvert

Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed financial advisor. This channel is intended for general informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as investment advice. Before taking any investment decision, please consult with a professional financial advisor, who may assess your personal investment objectives and needs.

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