Gender Activists Have Occupied The Iowa State Capitol To Protest A Bill Defining "Man" And "Woman"

1 year ago

Remember January 6? How the Left says it was an insurrection tantamount to the Civil War (it wasn't, but we won't go there right now). The Left has done that for years. Go back to Act 10 in Wisconsin, when they occupied the Wisconsin Capitol for weeks, trying to stop the vote. They derailed a hearing featuring Secretary Blinken. They shut down the California state capitol. They interrupted oral arguments at SCOTUS. And most recently, in Iowa, they've stormed the capitol over a vote about a bill defining 'man' and woman.' Gender activists have occupied the Iowa State Capitol to protest a bill defining "man" and "woman." It's a mistake to assume that queer theory is still a niche ideology relegated to blue cities and university towns. The pronoun people are on the march.

So they have no qualms whatsoever about disrupting the democratic process when it serves their purposes. When they don't get their way, they throw temper tantrums and resort to disruption, threats, and violence to get what they want. But they're the 'defenders' of democracy. Preaching to the choir here, but we all know the Left are hypocrites, and if they didn't have double standards, they'd have none whatsoever. Actions speak louder than words, however, and their actions are incredibly revealing. They don't want democracy. They don't want you, or I, or any of us voting for a candidate they don't like. Because that candidate might win and break the stranglehold they have on power and control. They will go to whatever lengths they can to give themselves an unfair advantage at the ballot box. Failing that, they'll resort to tactics that would land people like you or me in prison for hundreds of years (they'll applaud it, too), and believe they are morally superior.

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