Loblaws Supermarkets Uses Imperial Japan Rising Sun Flag On Sales Sign Unaware, Racist, WW2

1 year ago

#loblaws #ww2 #risingsunflag #racism #xenophobic #stopasianhate

The biggest Canadian supermarket chain Loblaws has been advertising sales, but is using the Imperial Japan Rising Sun Flag which is a racist and xenophobic flag that is the equivalent to the Nazi flag.
Loblaws owns the supermarkets Independent, NoFrills, Loblaws, The Real Canadian Supermarket, and Valu Mart. Wholesale Club is a wholesaler that is part of the company.

The Rising Sun Flag is a racist flag that was used by Imperial Japan during WW2 when attacking Asian countries along the Pacific Ocean. Countries from China, both Koreas, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Pacific Coast countries like New Zealand.
Their Air Force and Marine force also used this, when attacking Guam and Pearl Harbor on USA-owned land, which got USA involved in the other Axis Party country, Imperial Japan.
Imperial Japan slaughtered a lot of men especially the Chinese men in Shanghai, and raped Asian women. Imperial Japan also forced Asians to change their biological names to Japanese names.
The Rising Sun Flag is an equivalent to the Nazi Flag Nazi Germany used. And to recall, Germany apologized for what Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Patry did to all the Jewish people affected due to family members getting killed, and what others had to deal with defending the Jews and fighting back at the Nazis, and Germany still apologizes every year for what happened, as chancellor Angela Merkel mentioned last year.
Imperial Japan and present-day Japan never apologized since the ending of WW2 for all the damage done. Asian countries are still mad at Japan for this, and New Zealand people even protested back then holding picket signs that read "IMPERIAL JAPAN RAPED OUR WOMEN", an attempt to try and get Japan to apologize.

Unfortunately, there are people who are wearing clothing apparel that have the Rising Sun Flag on them, oblivious of how racist and xenophobic that is.
Some clothing companies have gotten in trouble for putting the Imperial Japan Rising Sun Flag on their white shirts, thinking it looks cool, yet it's racist, just like someone wearing a T-shirt that has the Nazi flag on it.
Loblaws and its parent company Weston Inc. need to do their research before making decisions that will get them called out for being racist, just like H&M clothing company compared the African American people to monkeys.
The imprint colors may be different, but they look the same, and as people in North America with a lack of history compared to Europe, Africa, and Asia, it's important to know what that is what it stands for, and the dark history behind it. I recommend changing the banners and posters for being offensive.

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