The Origins Of Water Fluoridation ?

1 year ago

Mudder Phucker 59
The Gulf War Illness Causing Vaccine 💉 Adjuvant / Additive Autoimmune Technologies LLC, New Orleans
[ Place where Dr. Pamela Asa discovered Squalene Antibody in Sick Gulf War Veterans ] - She also created what is called the ASA ASSAY TEST that can check for this. This test MIGHT be able to be ordered in quantity from them in order to determine conclusively in court if someone has developed an antibody to this synthetic foreign substance.

Can anybody help subsidize this type of “Test Kit” rallying cry?

It is my sincere hope that you will consider not only punitive, antitrust actions against those responsible for so much death, pain, and anguish, but to please consider a class action lawsuit on a massive scale for citizens and soldiers alike.

I am also asking for this type of landmark case to become an automatic assumed criteria within the VA to trigger granting of long overdue service connected disability for all affected veterans.

Guess What !!! THEY NEVER TOOK IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

They jack us up on Synthetic Squalene which is a precursor to cholesterol and STEROIDS !!!!

Is that what they mean by a Super Soldier Program?

Declaration Of Military Accountability Sign Up Form
- Read the Declaration.pdf | DocDroid

Reorganized Pearl Harbor 2.0 Direct Energy Weapon or ( DEW )Attack by Chinese or Deep State Proxy.

Fires 🔥we intentional and accompanied by pre positioned FEMA brought swiftly from the main island to burn a rectangular or half circle of flames 🔥 purposely designed to kill entire families of prime real estate directly into being crushed between the Devil 😈And The Deep Blue Sea 🌊. As with man made or steered hurricanes 🌀 as in Florida , the game plan has been increasingly been rumored to be an excuse for later desperation buy outs of precious finite waterfront properties in order to realize later windfall profits for off the books projects.

FEMA needs to be disolved right along with the CIA and IRS as SUPERFUOUS to the needs of our growing National Debt. In short, fuck FEMA and the horse they rode in on as well as their FAKE 🥸 AND GAY REDCROSS who were seen strong arming fire 🔥 victims from shelter to shelter just after they arrived and set up camp. No matter what your sense of trust in the “ government “ I’m here to tell you that Grandpa Tom not only RELAY-REPORTED on the Act of War, High Treason, Mass Murder, Intentional Acts of Cruelty and Purposeful Starvation of Survivors unseen ever before in modern times on American 🇺🇸Shores.

We need complete FOIA requests filled Pronto Tonto of the names of everyone who was there or came in later on “ government “ business.

Outrageous, but plausible , reports from Michael Baxter need to be confirmed by Real Raw News.

Ultimately, the real answers in the forthcoming narratives from Real Raw News will hinge on any reports anyone can send me about USMC rescue efforts from what Michael Baxter said matter of factly were elements of both FEMA and The ( bonus paid ) local Hawaii 🌺 National Guard who I theorize we sent to secure the Killing Floor of Front Street and other inland portions of Lahaina.

Survivors really were pushed into the sea 🌊 were every boat was already on fire 🔥 for no damn good reason other than if they were quickly and deliberately set ablaze TO PREVENT ESCAPE.

The icing on the cake 🎂- Mark My Words - will be the evidence of a highly organized bus driven kidnapping that may have escaped to the nearby USAF Air Base for quick egress. More soon 🔜

** Thomas W. Trefts
Veterans Against Treason

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