"All things work together for good, but how do you get there?" Pastor Rob McCoy

7 months ago

"So, God, how are you gonna fix this with my grandson? Molly and Micah didn't want the baby to be torn apart and evacuated. They wanted a stillbirth to say goodbye. They wanted to hold their son. They only found one hospital in Ventura that would do it during COVID, it was in Santa Paula; and, there was a mother-daughter Doctor team, so gracious, thoughtful and kind. They prayed with my daughter and my son-in-law. They rejoiced over little Theodore as they held his lifeless body in their arms. The nurses cried as they said goodbye. Great comfort was brought to them, by this mother and daughter Dr. team whose last name was Levie. It was Dr. Levin's wife and daughter. When I heard the heartache of my sister, Dr. Judy Mikovits, that her husband David was misdiagnosed as having died from COVID. She knew it to be a farce. Bobby Kennedy Jr. provided the autopsy of her husband which conclusively proved he didn't die from COVID. She wanted it amended. Her whole life is committed to this and David would want it that. And we were in a lawsuit with the county and we had a chance, not a great chance, but we had a chance.

I called Jeff Gorell that all of you helped get elected. And I said, Is there any way I could have a meeting with Dr. Levin and he said, I can't do that you're in a lawsuit with the county. I said if I dropped the lawsuit... Because I can't guarantee you a meeting but it will least open the door. And in faith, I dropped the lawsuit and Dr. Levin accepted the invitation. We sat in a cafe in Camarillo and I told him the story about his wife and his daughter and my daughter and my son-in-law, and my little grandson. He was deeply touched. We became friends that day. And I said Dr. Levin, it's not a quid pro quo. I'm just asking for help on how I would go about caring for a widow, as my ordination commands me to care for the widow and the orphan. I seek to amend a death certificate and this is the autopsy. David Nolde, who is the husband of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Judy Nolde. He said, Rob, I can't do that, but let me investigate and see how it can be done. And true to his word, he found the attending physician and amended the death certificate. All things work together for good, but how do you get there because we're all a train wreck? You made a mess of your life, if you confess, God is faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness."

Full sermon by Pastor Rob McCoy at Godspeak Calvary Chapel, February 11, 2024: https://rumble.com/v4csb9i-godspeak-sunday-service.html?start=2754

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