Taking control of your aging journey - with Chris Mirable

1 year ago

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3:36 - The Vision for Novos
7:20 - The Novos Life app
11:49 - Novos Core / Root causes of aging
15:33 - How research is conducted at Novos
19:42 - What are clients saying about Novos?
23:48 - Difference between Novos Boost and Novos Core?
26:35 - What is Novos Vital?
29:46 - Organs that are focused on with Novos Vital
31:17 - What are the ingredients?
35:35 - Concerns over use of nanotechnology
37:13 - Process of creating the formula
43:42 - Novos in Erewhon stores

Looking for a supplement that is researched backed and tested to enhace your healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle? Is it possible to get all the effects of the most effective supplements that counter the things that accelerate aging in the cells and organs? Curious if there's a way to slow down the aging process without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars on expensive antiaging treatments and therapies? Chris Mirabile, owner and founder of Novos Labs was asking the same questions in search for a product that was affordable and effective to inspire more people to take maximize their aging potential. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Chris Mirabile on what he and his research team are up to so you can take control of your aging journey.

What You'll Learn From This Episode:

The inside look into how Novos Labs creates and tests their products to ensure they work
How Novos Boost enhances the effects of Novos Core
How Novos Core is countering the 12 causes of aging in one dose
Countering the aging of organs in one gummy
Why spermadine may not be absorbed across the gut & why injectable forms are preferred

Resources From The Show:

Take the Novos Labs Longevity Quiz - HERE
Novos Live App - App store
@novoslabs on all social
tiktok - novoslabs_
slowmyage.com - Chris’s blog
Tiktok @slowmyage

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