Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Seedium Showcase - Ice Bloom - February 2024

1 year ago

Ice Bloom - was offered between February 10, 2024 through February 17, 2024.

Ice Bloom is a member of the Winter-Mint family.
Ice Bloom costs 200 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 3, 6 and 9.)
Ice Bloom does 200 damage to all zombies in a 3x3 area. (+25 per level.)
Ice Bloom does 50 damage to all zombies all zombies outside the 3x3 area. (+25 per level except level 8.)
Zombies defeated this way are turned into Ice Blocks. These Ice Blocks have 200 health. (+50 health per level, an additional +50 at level 10.)
Ice Bloom freezes all zombies in a 3x3 area around it for 7 seconds. (+1 second on levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10.)
Ice Bloom freezes all zombies outside the 3x3 area for 2 fewer seconds.

Usually when zombies die - ok, are defeated - the zombies flop over and disappear. Ice Bloom turns them into “Ice-nuts”. These Ice-nuts are low health walls which can stall zombies. So while Cherry Bomb can vaporize the zombies, Ice Bloom can take these same zombies and use them to against the zombie horde.

Bottom Line:
Ice Bloom is a case of a plant which can do a couple of things but neither very well. Ice Bloom doesn't do enough damage to eliminate zombies, much less eliminate enough zombies, to create multiple walls. The other problem is that there is no easy way to know how many hit points a zombie has, thereby not knowing what will happen when Ice Bloom is planted.

That said, freezing all zombies for at least 5 seconds is definitely worthwhile and will give the player time to fortify their defenses.

Level 1 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Ice Blooms on Conveyor Belt
Freeze Zombies not offered / 40 / 60 times
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - 4 & 5 / 4 & 5 / 4 & 5
Don't bother with trample. Jesters, bulls and electric peashooters do not make this easy.

Level 2 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 0 of 2
Survive for three (3) minutes.
Chosen Perk is SHIELDS
Score more than 1,000,000 / 1,500,000 / 3,000,000
Produce at least not offered / 3,000 / 4,500 Sun
Starting Sun = 700 / 500 / 250

Level 3 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Ice Blooms on Conveyor Belt
Survive and protect the endangered plants - Snapdragons on R234C1
Stun zombies not offered / 50 / 75 times

Level 4 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive the zombie attack - Last Stand Style
Chosen Perk is SHIELDS
Survive and protect the endangered plants - Pumpkin on R3C5
Never have more than not offered / 10 / plants
Starting Sun = 2,250 / 2,050 / 1,700

Level 5 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive the zombie attack
Chosen Perk is Float Away zombies
Survive and protect the endangered plants - Banana Launcher on R3C3
Defeat not offered / 10 / 20 zombies in not offered / 10 / seconds.

00:00 Level 1 - Difficulty 3
03:41 Level 2 - Difficulty 3
04:56 Level 3 - Difficulty 3
06:08 Level 4 - Difficulty 3
08:12 Level 5 - Difficulty 3

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