ABG : Brady Beard

1 year ago

This Valentines Day Special is dedicated to

1. My wife Marilia Damari Garcia De Quevedo Martinez because of her unwavering support for Americana Music and their artists.

2. Tiffany Gassette for her great music, her role in Americana Music and for making this interview possible and for

Valentines Day Special in which Brady Beard [Americana Artist] converses with Roberto Alvarez-Galloso [Americana Bistro Host] about his career and projects. #americana

Brady Beard's music can be appreciated and purchased in different digital mediums or in his website https://bradybeardmusic.com/

Roberto Alvarez-Galloso and the Americana Bistro Grill can be appreciated in You Tube, Rumble, Brighteon, Bitchute, gab and Wordpress under Alvarez-Galloso

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