11 months ago

PREPARE FOR SPRING NOW (Garden Prep) Now is the time to start your garden prep for spring. Don't let spring sneak up on you like it has me before in the past.

If weather is permitting get outside remove any debris from your garden, amend the soil with the top coat of fertilizer or compost or both.

If weather is not permitting you can start some seeds now provided you have a warm place and can provide adequate daylight or artificial light, in the form of grow lights.

Draw out your garden plan as best you can, you can change it it's just on paper. make sure that you have the seeds ready to plant that you are going to need. if not now is a good time to order. Cool weather crops or the most critical at this point as they need to go in the ground earlier. The warm weather crops can't wait a bit because it will need to be several days after your first frost date before they are transplanted.

Prepare for an early spring, it may not happen but if it does and you're not ready then you have missed a great opportunity.

A reminder, most cool weather crops, if you do miss the spring planting can be planted in late summer for a fall crop.

Some of the earliest crop you need to plant will be green peas, followed by broccoli, celery, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, and a lot of the lettuces. These can be planted in the garden 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date and most cases.

Get out there as soon as you can and start your garden prep spring is a coming be ready.

Remember count your blessings everyday and I believe you will find you are blessed far beyond measure I know I am God bless.

#homesteading #kentucky #garden #gardening #soilamendment #prepareforspring #springplanting

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