Owen Jones | Both of Maoz Inon's parents were killed when Hamas attacked their kibbutz on 7th October

11 months ago

January 9 | 2024

Owen Jones

Now he's using his platform to demand peace.

Here this extraordinary man tells me about the humanity he inherited from his parents, why we can forgive the past and present but not the future - and why he sees hope amidst such horror.


Moaz Inon;
Germany and USA are our biggest allies and our biggest enemies.

If this government continues to be in power then it will be the end of the state of Israel. 🇮🇱

‘Don’t send us weapons.’
‘Don’t send us bombs.’
‘Stop the war!’

‘My family is not seeking revenge, it will only lead to more suffering.’

‘Reconciliation’ | “Peace Now,!’ | ‘Stop the War.’

Inon continues speaking about his Palestinian activist he converses with about hope giving Inon hope and courage using his two phrases.

Phrase 1

Hope is something we need to create.
It’s something we need to work to make happen.

Phrase 2

Willing is forgiving.
Forgiving for the past.
Forgiving for the present.
We won’t forgive for the future if we want to make the future better for our children and for ourselves.


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